Sunday, May 1, 2011

Moved In

We are all moved in! Yesterday from about 8:30 to 11:30 we had people helping us and got everything moved during that time. I can't believe how quick it was. The days leading up to the move were long and exhausting. Friday night, Jake went to the house after Lila went to bed and didn't get back till midnight. We're all very tired. Lila and I especially.

So now we're all moved into our very first house :) we love it. We have most of the kitchen unpacked (I will later have to go back and organize everything) and did a lot of cleaning I'm the master bath, but there's still a lot more to do. After Lila was in bed last night, Jake and I worked in the kitchen while listening to music on pandora. When a slow song came on, Jake asked me to dance. And so we slow danced in our kitchen I'm the dim light as our baby was sleeping… another one of my dreams come true.

Last night for dinner we went to the boy scouts spaghetti fundraiser and dessert auction. We left before the auction because Lila desperately needed to go to bed.

Ive been really touched by the generosity and thoughtfulness of other people. We got a lot of free stuff from President Anderson.  He brought us cake on the night we moved in too and dropped off his stereo system from the 70's.  Jen Randall (Jake's boss) also brought us cinnamon rolls that night.

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