Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Another Day

Made it through another day.  That's how it feels like lately... like we just have to try to make it through another day.  Lila has actually been pretty good, but I'm now coming down with a cold, and I felt pretty awful all day.  Last night I had a bad sore throat, but that's gone away and now I just have a lot of snot and sneezing.  Fun.

Lila took a 2 1/2 hour nap this afternoon.  She woke up pretty early this morning, before 6, but fell back asleep for a while thankfully, till 7:30.  Jake had fallen back asleep too so had to get ready pretty quickly to get back to work at 8.  I slept for at least an hour while she napped too. 

Lila didn't eat as well today as yesterday... had some cheesy rice and a little bit of chicken.  But, she did like the ice cream we had for a snack today.

We went outside for a while in the afternoon and played in the driveway.  It was a beautiful sunny day.  Took Lila for a little walk.  Jake got home at 4:30 and we headed out to St. Joe/Benton Harbor to pick up the seat for my Camry.  Lila did great on the way there.  She was laughing to herself (fake laughing kind of, but it sounded real) and looked at some books, liked it when we would talk with her.  After we picked up the part, the plan was to pick up a quick dinner and eat it down at the lake.  We pulled into Burger King but then at the last minute Jake decided he didn't want that because it was "too hot out" and wanted something lighter, so then we drove around for a while looking for something else, but couldn't find anything, and I was crabby.  Finally we found the downtown area and ended up eating at a dine-in restaurant.  Split a burger and fries and some soup.  Lila did not want to sit down after a while and we got out of there as quickly as we could.  We ended up just driving down by the water because it was pretty windy/chilly.  Not what I'd envisioned our evening being like, but oh well.  We'll take Lila to the beach there later this summer, it's pretty nice! 

The ride home was not great.  Lila screamed and cried for the first half of it, but thankfully fell asleep holding onto her foot. lol.  She slept in the car in the garage for a while, and when she got up played with Jake for quite some time.  I'm glad that they could spend good time together like that tonight... even if it meant that she was pretty hard to get to bed (screaming/crying again and trying to climb out).  She likes to spin in place now... she does it slowly, of course, but does it enough that it makes her dizzy and tipsy.  Pretty funny.

That's about it.  Really looking forward to my parents' visit this weekend.  They're leaving on Thursday morning!

1 comment:

  1. I've been reading on hgtv.com during Jane's nap and found this for you:
    And taking a lesson straight from the feng shui playbook, DeAnna strongly advises against painting your kitchen a vivid orange. "In feng shui terms, orange increases one's appetite," she says. "So unless you want to get fat, stay away from orange."

