Thursday, May 5, 2011

Another Day

Today is Jake's dad's 51st birthday.

Lila got up a little later than usual, at 7:30 instead of 7:00.  She didn't want to nap after Jake left for work.  We spent the morning playing and unpacking a little.  Kari arrived at around 11 with Hayden.  We had some lunch together and the kids played around outside (it was a beautiful sunny day).  We unpacked the office and did some work in the basement too.  Kari's pretty helpful.  She left at around 12:45 and then Lila went down for a nap at 1.  She woke up at 1:40 pretty cranky still and so I sat with her.  By 2:00 she'd fallen back asleep and slept till 4!!  Quite unusual for her.

Made spaghetti for dinner.  Was happy when Jake got home early (4:45).  He and Lila set up a swinging baby gate that Kari's loaning us.  Lila likes "helping" with stuff like that.  She did pretty well at dinner.  I stripped her down to her diaper and she enjoyed the spaghetti... doesn't actually get too much into her belly, but has fun trying.  Jake's stake meeting started at 6, so he went into the office and closed the door, and Lila freaked out because she wanted to be with Daddy.  I managed to distract her for a while by Skyping with my mom, but that only lasted 20 minutes.  Jake watched her for a little while, long enough for me to shower.  But she was crying by the time I got out and cried big time for another 15-20 minutes.

After she nursed, she was very happy and we played in bed for probably an hour.  It was a really good time.  She was so sweet and so, so happy to just be with me.  It relaxed her completely and eventually she just laid down and fell asleep.  I don't think I'll ever regret spending time like that with her.

After she was asleep, I cleaned up the kitchen, watched The Office by myself (Jake is still in his meeting), surfed the internet aimlessly.  Now I guess I'll head to bed.

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