Monday, May 9, 2011

A Wonderful Day with Lila

Sometimes I wish I was more awesome.  But then I try to be okay with who I am and what I'm able to do in a day.

This morning started at 7:30 or so.  Jake was able to sleep in a half-hour extra, so we all had breakfast together.  Lila and I enjoyed "dancing" to music on the radio while I got ready for my 9:30 Primary meeting.  Lila loves to press the buttons to turn on the CD player and radio on our alarm clock.  I found a back-roads route to Melissa Linkfield's house and the first half of it was really lovely, but then one of the roads turned out to be closed, due to construction, so we had to go back to the main roads anyway.  It was a lovely drive while it lasted, though.

The meeting went well.  It was our first meeting since late January or early February!  I've felt so out of the loop.  And Primary has been so unstructured and weird lately due to a lot of special conferences or meetings we've had.  I'm really looking forward to getting back into the swing of things with Primary.  We have a new bunch of kids.  Still some of the "old" ones, but a lot of new faces too.  Our Primary is very large right now, but it will decrease by at least half by the end of the summer because a lot of families are moving away.  Lila was pretty wary of Melissa at first, but warmed up a lot once Holly and little Ella arrived.  Lila happily wandered around the room, munching on crackers even, and following Ella around.  She even sat in my lap a while and wrote on my papers with a pen and ate some of my blueberry coffee cake.  I think Holly is pregnant.  I heard Kasey Hunt congratulating her a few weeks ago (she didn't say what for, but what else do you slyly congratulate someone about?) and she looks like she might be in the first trimester.  That would be exciting.

The meeting ended right as Lila started having a meltdown because it was naptime.  She fell asleep on the way home so I let her sleep in the car seat in the garage for an hour; she woke up on her own.  While she was napping, I fixed myself some lunch and talked with Mike on the phone.  He told me about his trip to Lansing, which went well.  If Cassandra had more (or any) support from her family, I'm sure she would be much more eager/ready/willing to marry Mike in a more timely fashion.  Her youngest sister Savannah (16) told Mike last night that she wasn't going to be dating because she wasn't ever going to get married.  Nice.

Jake called on his way home from a meeting at Stryker, so I invited him home for lunch, and he was able to hang out here for 20 minutes.  It was a nice little treat.  Lila was pretty cranky while he was here, seemed like she was still tired.  So after he left, Lila and I had a party in bed.  We read some books and she nursed and she rolled around for a while while I almost dozed off.  She never actually fell asleep though, but that quiet, down-time with me seemed to do the trick because for the rest of the day she was a real peach!

We had a lot of fun this afternoon together... and that's so refreshing to say and makes me so grateful because she has had a lot of rough days lately.  It was rejuvenating and strengthened our bond.  I feel so much love for my daughter today.  I cleaned the kitchen while she wandered around the house.  Then we went outside on the deck to play for a while.  I gave her crackers and a sippy cup that didn't have a spill-proof valve on it.  She happily wandered around and "ate" her crackers while I read from the scriptures and wrote a short journal entry.  Then Lila started sprinkling her water onto the deck and got a cracker all wet and mushy.  It was fun seeing her playing with water though.  She's not very playful in the bathtub.  I scooped myself some ice cream and ate it outside, and then Lila became interested in it, so I got her a teeny scoop and gave her my bowl.  She then ate the ice cream... but drank it like it was milk in a cereal bowl.  She was really into it!  So when it was gone (some of it had gotten on the floor... and her clothes), I got her a little more, stuck her in the high chair, and she happily sat there for 20+ minutes working at the ice cream.  She tried "eating" it with a spoon.  It was so cute and I loved watching my girl eat her first bowl of ice cream :)  She was a mess afterwards.  I also got more cleaning done while she was eating that.

After that, we played in the living room.  I chased her around... folded laundry... we read books and sang songs (Itsy Bitsy is her favorite) and had a great time together.  She adores me.  She loves to give me hugs and looks me right in the eyes and smiles.  I love her blue eyes.  I love her chubby cheeks and her big belly and her feet.  Her feet and her chubby legs are probably my favorite thing in the whole world.  My favorite is when she's laying down for a diaper change and playing with her feet, makes her look like a baby still, and I love the way her face looks when she's laying there so calmly.  Reminds me of when she was a little baby too.

Oh, the cutest thing she did all day was walk around with the Swiffer and "clean" the floor for me.  I removed the two middle segments so that it was shorter than her.  She did this for a long time and went all over the kitchen and hallways!  She did under the cabinets and in the corners, very thoroughly and very seriously. lol.  It was SO cute.  I was able to make dinner while she did that.

Jake came home and we had a nice time eating together.  Lila enjoyed the fried rice (she likes rice).  We read scriptures (we're going to try to do that after dinner now instead of right before Lila's bedtime when she's cranky) and did baths and sent Lila off to bed.  She's woken up twice since then, crying very hard, like she's in pain.  The last time, she couldn't keep her eyes open and cried/yodeled/yelped/talked for a while.  Very sad.

Jake's doing research on how to get money back from the sellers.  He and Jim are working on this together.  Love having a lawyer in the family :)

So, overall, a great day.

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