Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Drink Much?

This morning started earlier than usual.  Lila was up at 6:30.  We played around after breakfast, but then she (and I) went back to bed from 9-10:40, which was awesome.  She was in a great mood then.  We Skyped with my family.  And she did the cutest thing.  I asked her what a duck says, and she said, "Quack, quack!"  But from her it sounds more like, "Gao, gao." And then I asked her what a chicken says and she said, "Bawk, bawk!" SO cute.  She did that a lot throughout the day, and also says "quack, quack" when she sees a ducky in one of her books.  Smart girl.

We got ready and then left to get the tires rotated on the Camry.  Jake is taking it to Cincinnati tomorrow.  (He's leaving early in the morning and coming back the same day.)  I took a lot of books and toys with me because sometimes it takes up to an hour.  I also stopped at McDonald's on the way for lunch, which I thought would also occupy Lila if needed.  I really didn't want her to be cranky or have a meltdown at the tire shop.  It was a very pleasant, and quick, experience though.  I think we were only there for 15 minutes.  Lila was a rockstar and ate quite a few bites from a chicken nugget and also munched on a French fry.  Stopped at the bank on the way home to deposit some checks and she was a good girl there too. 

When we got home, she was interested in my rootbeer cup from McDonald's so she took a few sips of it and was pretty happy about it.  She likes cups like that.  So I dumped out the rootbeer and put milk in there to see if she would like that.  She took a few sips and then lost interest. :)  She eventually went down for another nap at 2:50 and didn't wake up till after 4.  Good girl. :)  During that time, I was able to do some cleaning, pay some bills, write Jess a thank you card, and do some work for Primary.

She got up and was pretty cranky/clingy for a little while, but got better.  I got dinner in the oven, we watched some news in the basement for a while, and then we went outside and walked around the driveway (one of Lila's favorite things to do).  I met our next-door neighbor Steve, Terri's husband.  They have the two boys, Brody (4) and Toby (3).  Nice people.  Jake came home too as we were chatting and he got to meet Steve too.

Dinner was okay.  The food itself was yummy, but Lila didn't do so well with eating it.  She did take a few sips of milk, but didn't eat a lot of food.  She whined a lot too.  After dinner I was so tired and laid down for a few minutes, but not for too long.  Jake dedicated the house for FHE (we forgot to do it yesterday) and then he took Lila outside to play so that I could have some quiet time to myself.  I could've just laid there, but I wanted to clean the kitchen, so I did that and watched an episode of Glee while doing it.  Lila had a blast playing with the kids next door.  Mostly she just walked up and down the little hill near their swing set and thought that was so much fun.

Came in, did scriptures and prayer.  Jake got the girl ready for bed.  She cried for an hour because I wouldn't nurse her.  She was really mad but eventually just plopped down and fell asleep.  Yikes.  She needs to get better at falling asleep.

Now Jake and I are sitting at the kitchen counter, both on our computers.  Boring.  He's looking for an audio book to download for his road trip tomorrow.

Earlier, we were snacking on cheese puffs and caffeine free pepsi and I choked a bit on the pop.  Jake asked, "Drink much?"  And then continued to say, "I only said that because it's something you would say."  True that.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know why you think you're not more awesome. You're doing everything right. Doing a little bit of housework and errands between playing with and teaching Lila. That sounds exactly right to me.

    Lila's getting so big all of a sudden, talking, cleaning, playing with neighbor kids! :) It's such an exciting time.
