Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Busy Week - Mom and Dad's visit (part 1)

What a busy week.  On Wednesday Jake came home for lunch for maybe the second time since we've lived here. I met Emily at Panera at 3:00, when she got off of work.  We had a quick bite to eat and then went mattress shopping.  We first went to Art Van and also looked at some furniture for the living room.  Then a creepy salesman named Glenn tried to sell her a mattress.  Then we went to Sleep Doctor, where she bought a full-size mattress in less than 15 minutes.  In the evening, I had wanted to just stay home so that Lila could play with Jake, but he wanted to go pick up free (broken) mountain bike tires so that he could "fix" the lawn mower with them.

Thursday morning we had an OT appointment for Lila at 10:30.  Going into it, I was hesitant because I knew we were meeting with a man named Kyle... and I think we'd all be more comfortable with a woman.  But, I wanted to give him a chance.  Well, this guy was nice and all, but he was not a good fit.  He was a little taller than Jake and pretty big, and he had a BIG black beard!  Very unprofessional, especially when you're working with children, because you SCARE THEM!  Lila wouldn't even look at him until the very end of the appointment.  She was very scared and nervous, so we didn't do anything at all except play.  So, I think we're going to request a different OT.  While we were at the rehab center, I saw a little boy with a prosthetic leg and then another little boy hooked up to all kinds of machines in for therapy... put everything into perspective and made me grateful for Lila and her health.

Lila took a long nap in the afternoon and then we went grocery shopping.  She was a good girl for me.  By the time we finished, it was after 5:00.  Jake was already on his way home and beat me there.  When he arrived, my parents had just gotten there too.  The first thing he said to them when he got out of the car was that I was pregnant.  So it was a shocker for my parents... but my mom kind of figured because she'd heard that I went to the doctor's a few weeks ago.

My mom went right to work and helped us out.  Thursday night, Mom and Jake organized the office while I was putting Lila to bed, and then we all watched The King's Speech (good movie).

Friday was a little crazy.  Jake rented a power de-thatcher for the lawn.  My dad spent almost the entire day (probably 8 hours) working on the lawn.  He first had to mow it.  Then he dethatched it once.  Our lawn is really big, so it took him hours to do all that.  He also weed-whacked, because on Thursday after the OT appointment, we bought one from someone on Craigslist.  Mom and I got up early with Lila and headed to Kendra Johnson's garage sale.  Unfortunately, she and Erik (and their 4 children--she's due in August with their 5th) are moving in a few weeks.  I'm bummed because I like her a lot.  She was selling all of her girls' clothes, so we found some great things for Lila.  A bunch of long-sleeved 3T shirts for the fall, a pair of pants, a long-sleeved dress, a pair of sneakers, a nice winter jacket, a pair of pajamas and a swimsuit for $13.  So now Lila's pretty much all set for fall clothes!

It was so nice having Mom around to help out with Lila during the day.  She had so much fun taking care of Lila and playing with her.  Lila loved the doggie Bella and had so much fun following her around all day, playing ball with her (or at least trying to), babbling at her, laughing at her.  Lila learned how to say "stop" while they were here, because we would tell Bella to "stop" doing something.  Except when Lila says it it sounds like "top!"  She also learned how to say "papa," except most times it sounds like "bapa."  Very cute.

Lila generally had a hard time napping while my parents and the dog were here.  All the commotion and excitement made her definitely not want to nap, so a lot of times she got naps in the car on the way to and from places.  Oh, and on Thursday night, she was up probably every 30 minutes ALL NIGHT crying and crying.  We had no idea what the deal was until morning when she pooped 3 times before 10:00.  She hadn't pooped for a few days so probably had a bad tummy ache.  So she cried most of the night and we didn't sleep well at all.  Finally at 5:30 or so, Jake walked around the room with her until she fell asleep and then she slept for a few hours, but yikes.  We were all so tired the next day.  Especially me.

Also on Friday, Emily didn't have to work, but she didn't get here till noon or later (because she sleeps in till 11 or 11:30 most days).  In the afternoon, we went to Meijer to pick up things for the house (totes and other Rubbermaid things for organization, other things for the house, some food).  I picked up my prenatal vitamin prescription (Meijer gives them to you for free, which is nice).  Then we went to Target so Emily could get new bedding; Lila fell asleep on the way there and slept for a while.  When we got home at around 3:30, Jake was already home and working on the yard.  He spent the next 5 hours de-thatching the lawn and then mowing up the clippings.  He didn't even stop for dinner.  He didn't see Lila at all that day, which bothered me; he wouldn't even take a 5-minute break to say hi and play with her... I was pretty mad about that.  But when he gets going on something, there's no stopping him.  Mom, Dad, and Emily went out to pick up her new mattress.

On Saturday morning, Jake and I went by ourselves.  It was such a treat. :)  We returned the de-thatcher and brought back Sweetwater donuts.  Lila liked my Boston Creme :) and mostly liked to suck on the custard inside.  Dad and Jake went out in the afternoon for a while to run some errands.  We worked in the afternoon when they got back... organized the storage rooms in the basement, and Jake organized the garage.  Dad and Emily took Lila for a drive to the Asian food store so that she could take a nap.  After that, we got dinner ready.  Aunt Gina, Uncle Larry, Mike, and Cassandra came over for a BBQ.  Jake and Dad grilled brats, hot dogs, and burgers in the garage because it was raining.  We also had potato salad and baked beans.  Good food.  Lila did not want to go to bed, she was enthralled by all the people.  Dad and Cassandra sat in the kitchen for a long time eating watermelon seeds he'd bought at the Asian food store.  Oh, the big news of the weekend is that Mike bought a '98 VW Jetta with a diesel engine. The Lillroses all drive VW's.  We joke that Mike is turning into a Lillrose... as the Betzolds are pretty loyal to Toyotas.  He's excited because it gets 55 mpg, and he'll be doing a lot of driving this year to Canada and back.  He's going to sell his big, fancy Sequoia to a dealer.

Saturday night I was worn out and exhausted.  Lila didn't get to bed till 9.  After she fell asleep, I went and cuddled with my mom in bed for a while and got some TLC.

1 comment:

  1. Wasn't your first OT appointment with a woman? Did you switch? How often does she have her appointments?

    I'm glad your parents were able to help you so much around your house. That's nice!

    Oh, Lila saying "'top" is so cute until she says it to you! Jane says it all the time, and when I say, "No, Jane, we don't say that!" she says, "Dorry, Momma" and pats my head.

    Mike went from a Sequoia to a '98 VW? What a waste. :)
