Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Pregnancy update:  I’ll be 6 weeks along on Thursday, I guess.  Today I made sure to drink a lot of water and had to eat a little more than usual, I think.  Felt a little light-headed.  And I’m tired.  I’m having a hard time processing all the things that are happening right now… but it does feel good when I’m able to clean and unpack and get things settled.  It’ll just take a while before this place really feels like home.  I need to call and make a midwife’s appointment, I suppose.  I haven’t been to the doctor/midwife since my 6-week post-natal check-up after Lila was born.  It’s been about a year.   Lots of burping and gas.  I’m starting to worry how I’ll manage to take care of Lila with a big pregnant belly.  She’s already so big and heavy.  But, we’ll just take things one day at a time and we’ll get through it.
One story I guess I should tell… at church on Sunday, when I was out in the foyer, Christy (Davis) Szekely was sitting on the couch, slumped over and rubbing her belly.  Oh boy.  She asked me if I had morning sickness with Lila, and then told me that she found out on Friday that she’s pregnant.  I don’t know what I was thinking, but I then told Christy that I found out on Friday that I was pregnant too!!!  I told the world’s biggest blabber-mouth that I was pregnant, before I told almost everyone else who’s important to me.  (Kelsey and Brady are the only ones who know.)   It’s funny, but at the same time, I can’t believe I did that.  I told her not to tell anyone, but… I think she will.  Anyway, she just bothers me so much.  I think part of the reason I told her that I’m expecting to is because it’s funny that we found out on the same day… but it also annoyed the heck out of me to see what a fool she was making of herself… drawing so much attention to herself, rubbing her belly like it was big and pregnant already.  All of her and Sean’s families know already.  And the way she was talking about it just bugged me so much.  Lol.  Anyway.  After church I told Kelsey and we had a good laugh about it… sigh.  I think we’ll end up telling people much sooner than we did the first time around.  First of all, I show really early, and so it will be pretty obvious, but also, it doesn’t feel like as big of a deal this time. 

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