Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A Good Lila Day

Today is Jake's mom's 50th birthday.

Yesterday ended pretty well... we drove out to Paw Paw so that Jake could look at a riding lawn mower for sale for $100.  We got a little lost, Mike called to give us a Cassandra update (she's a lot more "into" him than ever before and things are starting to get more serious... but still not ready to get engaged), and the mower turned out to be like 30 years old and no good.  Lila had a pretty easy time going to bed and was asleep by 8:30, I think.  Jake and I unpacked for a while.  I was so exhausted but not ready to go to bed yet... wanted to spend time with Jake.  So I had some ice cream and he had cereal and we watched The Biggest Loser in the basement for a while and had fun making fun of it.  It was so relaxing but only lasted for like 10 minutes because Lila woke up screaming and crying, very upset.  We decided to just go to bed and were all asleep again by 10 probably.  It was good to get to bed earlier than usual.  I love the basement, by the way.  Cool place to hang out at the end of the day.  And, we get free channels here (just the basics), just like we did at the apartment... it's through the internet, I guess.

This morning, Lila got up early again, when Jake got up.  It's becoming a regular thing.  We had breakfast.  After Jake left, we hung out in the basement for a little while so I could watch The Today Show, like I used to at the apartment... and then Lila went back to bed for an hour and a half, which was great.  I did some cleaning and wrote Jess an email.

After Lila got up, Kari, Bret, and Hayden Van Zanten came over.  They picked up boxes for another family in their ward that's moving and got a tour of the house.  Great family.  Kari and Hayden are going to come over tomorrow to help.  Kari and Bret officially became licensed foster parents today.  I think that's wonderful.  Kari has Cystic Fibrosis and has been advised to not get pregnant again, so they are going the foster parent/adoption route.

Then we met Jake and Rich Kurth (our realtor) at Wendy's to talk about the seller's Failure to Disclose.  We're hoping to get compensated for at least part of what we spent to fix the flooring and replace the carpets!  Rich said the best way to get at least something (we definitely won't get it all) is to have a lawyer send the sellers our paperwork.  Good thing we have a lawyer in the family (Jim!), because otherwise it would cost something like $1000!  It would be really awesome if we could get some of our money back.  It cost around $7500.  I'm so grateful for all of Jake's hard work and attention to detail.  He did so much of the work to get things squared away, so that our home could be clean and comfortable for us.

After that, we Skyped with my parents for a while and Lila was super cute, as usual.  Mom had the afternoon off of work.  Emily came over and then I put Lila down for a nap--she was overtired, so it took a while for her to get to sleep.

Emily and I unpacked for a few hours... but now we're down to the small "dumb" things, as Emily put it.  All the little things that don't really have a place quite yet... I will need to do some major organizing.  We worked in Lila's room for a while too.  Lila was in a great mood after her nap.  She was so happy and content, and for such a long period of time.  I was so proud and grateful!  She's really, really been struggling lately... maybe she's getting a little more comfortable here.

Oh, it was funny, at lunch whenever Rich would talk to her, she would pout, close her eyes, and tuck her head into Jake's neck, lol.  She was being shy.  She sucked on a chicken nugget while we were there too, also something she's never done.

After unpacking, Em and I took Lila outside to walk in our yard and then on a walk in her stroller.  She is so happy when she's outside.  It was a sunny day today, which I just loved.  Lila was able to happily play on the deck too.  She didn't whine or cry at all after her nap today!  Yay Lila!

When Jake got home we went to pick up Mark Slack's lawn mower (we borrowed it).  Lila munched on a chocolate chip cookie on the ride, and I snacked on salami and carrots to tide me over till dinner.  When we got home, we had some leftover taco soup.  Lila ate a few pieces of shredded cheese, also something new! lol.  I felt like it was such a big accomplishment.  She loves it when we praise her and clap and get excited when she eats.  She's starting to like putting little foods in her mouth and eating them, like rice, or small pieces of pasta, or shredded cheese.  It's encouraging.

Then, we headed out to mow the lawn.  I did most of the front lawn.  Wanted to get some exercise, and I sure did.  The mower wasn't self-propelled, so it was a pretty decent workout.  Jake did the backyard.  All together it took 1.5 hrs.

Lila had a pretty good bedtime tonight.  Very little crying.  We read some books and cuddled.  She nursed a little bit.  I don't think she was feeling well though... she didn't nurse very much at all after her nap.  It took her almost an hour to fall asleep, but she finally did.  Jake left to drop off Mark's lawn mower and to buy one from Craigslist.  It's a pretty nice one and he got it for $35!  There's a part that needs to be replaced on it and he bargained with the guy too.  He's pretty excited about it :)  It's self-propelled, which is great.  We eventually hope to get a riding one.  Our yard is pretty big.

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