Monday, May 23, 2011

Sunday and Monday

Sunday was good.  Woke up early enough to both shower and get ready.  I think we were just a few minutes late.  Need to work on that.  Lila looked really cute.  She wore a dress that Sister Schill sent her for her birthday (how sweet of her to think of Lila! I think they left Kalamazoo in 2008 or something) and her new white sandals.  Sacrament meeting was good; Janeen Bertolina and Sister Johnson (both seminary teachers) spoke.

Primary was pretty crazy.  It was our first Sunday with the kids since the wards were reorganized.  We barely have any kids from the old 1st ward, most of them are from the 3rd ward.  Judy Fowler is the new 2nd counselor; she was the president in the 3rd ward, so that works out well.  I spent a lot of time cutting bookmarks out for Holly.  (She is definitely pregnant.)  Jake sat with the sunbeams; they don't have teachers called yet so we filled in.  Lila enjoyed sitting with the kids.  Jake sat her on one of the little chairs and she would sit it in, climb off, and then climb back on, over and over.  Once she wandered over to where I was standing at the Primary closet, and a whole bunch of books from the top shelf fell down on top of her!  lol, it was awful!  She was fine though, didn't cry a whole lot.  Books fell on me too and that hurt.  Yikes.

Teaching Sunbeams was pretty interesting, but went well :)  I feel like I understand children so much better now that I have one of my own.  We only had three kids: Theo Petrey, Meredith Johnson, and Hannah Freestone.  The lesson was on hands.  Lila had a blast with the kids :) and they enjoyed watching her too.  She is so cute these days.

She fell asleep on the way home and we let her sleep in the car while we had lunch.  I had a hankering for Quaker's instant peaches-and-cream oatmeal.  After Lila got up we made brownie/cookie bars.  Went to visit John at the nursing home but only stayed for 10 minutes because he was tired.  Stopped by Emily's for a while to visit.  Lila likes it at her place.  Before we left, she gave us some Meijer bakery chocolate chip cookies.  Lila happily and eagerly ate half of one, and they're a decent size.  I was very impressed.  Seems like she doesn't like to eat in the mornings, but does better in the afternoon and evenings.

Got home and made dinner.  Jake grilled more chicken.  He'd marinated them the night before.  A third in plain Italian dressing, a third was half-Italian half-Asian something, a third was plain Asian whatever (ginger sesame something).  I made mashed potatoes and corn.  It was a delicious meal.  Lila liked the mashed potatoes, which was a little surprising, because of her history not liking pureed foods.  But, she also liked mashed sweet potatoes... so maybe it's because they're firmer.  I'll have to make more of that for her.

After that, we brought over the LaFrenz's plate from when they brought us cookies, along with some of the bars we made.  Chad was laying in the front yard with one of his dogs.  We took Lila for a little walk in her stroller after that.  Melissa called to ask Jake what his memories of FHE were growing up... if he ever dreaded it.  They both agree that they always enjoyed FHE, probably because they never usually had formal lessons, but rather they'd do something fun together as a family.  But they had weekly Family Council and nightly scripture study.

When we got home, Mary LaFrenz and Kayli from across the street came over with Kayli's 5 month old baby Cameron.  (He was born 1/1/11.)  I hadn't met Kayli or Cameron before, so that was nice.  We had a pretty bad storm here, very windy, lots of thunder and lightning... some of the thunder shook the house.  We Skyped with my parents while Jake hung the curtains in the kitchen and the toilet paper hanger in the master bath.

Lila went to bed easily at 8:30, hallelujah.  I was so grateful.  Makes a huge difference.  Jake and I went to the basement to move some things into one of the storage rooms.  The Andersons dropped off more stuff (a lot of it) again this weekend.  More big, sturdy shelves to use for food storage or in the garage.  Miscellaneous food storage items.  And a bunch of old gaming systems... Sega Genesis, Nintendo 64, and an Atari!!!  hehehe.

Today was pretty good, over all.  Lila got up before Jake went to work.  She was pretty cranky in the morning, but made it to 11:45 before falling asleep.  We spent the morning playing.  I was able to clean the kitchen before she got cranky.  At one point, she was trying to pull at the doorknob on the front closet.  So I opened the door and she started pointing up.  I had no idea what she wanted, so I started showing her some of my dress shoes that were inside the closet.  She kept pointing up and whining.  I finally realized that she wanted her sandals, which were on the top shelf!  Amazing!  So funny that she loves those sandals so much and remembered where they were.  So I put them on her and she was happy.

We have fun playing usually.  We read books and that usually helps her calm down.  I did give her Ibuprofen too, and I think that helped.  Talked to Jake on the phone for a few minutes, which was nice... we rarely talk on the phone these days, he's so busy at work.  Josh Little and his family will be moving to Salt Lake to start a remote Bloomfire office!  Big news!  Jake was on his way to help Loren Ballard give his daughter a blessing.

While Lila napped I had lunch and edited Sonja's pictures.  She woke up at 1:15, but laid back down when I went in there and fell asleep for another half hour, during which time I also fell asleep. :) yay. 

I fixed her some food (a chicken nugget and some mashed potatoes) and she sat in my lap for a long time (I had Netflix on... she usually eats better when she's distracted by something) and ate almost the entire nugget and some mashed potatoes too!  It was amazing!  She seemed to really like the nugget.  When she was done, she took the piece of bread I was eating out of my hands and walked around chewing on that for a while, and also ate some of my brownie too.  Good girl.

She's definitely a mama's girl.  She loves, loves, loves me.  She was giving me lots of kisses today and snuggles too.  When I'm sitting on the floor, she likes to come up behind me and give my back a hug, and then I'll bend forward and shake her around while she's laying on my back.  And a few times today she climbed into my lap to give me a big hug.  Really, really amazing... she wrapped her arms around my shoulders and gently patted my back with her little fingers.  Amazing.

Jake was supposed to get out at 4:30 today so we could pick up the car part from Benton Harbor, but his meeting went super late, until 5:30, so we'll have to go later this week.  Maybe tomorrow.  We had leftover chicken and I made some cheesy broccoli rice that Lila liked.  Good food.  After dinner, we got some ice cream and played at the park for a while.  Lila's pretty new to parks, and I think she had to take it all in.  She thought the sand was interesting, but didn't want to touch it with her hands.  She climbed stairs mostly.  Jake ran into an older lady he used to work with at Stryker, she just retired and was at the park with her granddaughter.  I talked with her for a while; she said that Jake is such a nice guy and a good man to work with... that he is so calm and peaceful and must be a good husband.  Yup.  She was happy to hear that he found a great job that he loves.

Lila did not want to get in her carseat and it took both of us to get her strapped it.  Unusual.  She was overly tired.  But needed a bath.  She did not want Jake at all and just wanted me.  Cried until we got her into bed and she fell asleep right away.

Frank and Kate Whitaker's counter-offer on the house in our neighborhood was accepted!  So, if everything with the inspections and mortgage application go well, they will live just down the street from us!  Very cool!

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