Sunday, May 8, 2011

6w 3d - Mother's Day

Oh, boy.  I really am acting pregnant... and starting to feel much more pregnant now too.  It's starting to sink in.  At church today (which was only Sacrament Meeting), I cried almost the whole time, lol.  It started with Ruby Shumway's blessing.  I just cried and cried.  And then with all the talks about motherhood, and thinking about being a mom, and my own parents, just cried and cried s'more.  And on the way home I was telling Jake about a quote Adam Johnson shared, and I couldn't finish saying it because I was crying! lol.  "A mother holds a child's hand for a short while and their heart's forever."  Still feeling blah and queasy.  Not nauseous queasy, but upset stomach queasy.  And bloated.  My tummy is sticking out a lot already.  Feeling more excited to be pregnant and to have another baby.

We told Mom and Dad Betzold today.  Jake told Dad to put the phone on speakerphone because he had a funny story he wanted them both to hear.  He said, "So, you know how we've been posting cute videos of Lila online?  Well, she's going to have a little sibling."  LOL.  Nice, Jake.  And it turns out that Uncle Joe and Aunt Mary and their families were over for dinner, so they all heard too... and that happened last time with Lila!  Funny.

And then we called Melissa after dinner and told her.  She's very excited, of course.  They're doing well.  Athena (2 1/2) and Eva (4 1/2) both wrapped up night-time potty training this week and she said it was the best Mother's Day present she could've gotten.  Very excited to see them in July.

Sooo... things are crawling along.  I really hope that this is a healthy and full-term pregnancy.

I had a hard time falling asleep last night.  I was overtired and felt sick.  Need to get more rest and relax more.

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