Thursday, May 12, 2011

Cincinnati and Target

Yesterday was another early day.  6:30.  In the past Lila's usually woken up at 8 or so.  For a while there was a time when she woke up between 9 and 10, and that was awesome.  Jake had gotten up before 5 to shower and leave for Cincinnati.  We chatted with him on the phone several times throughout the morning, before his meeting started at noon.  Jake and I also talked to Mike on the phone (separately) because he was excited that Cassandra had "finally" told him she thinks they should get married, probably in December.

I got Lila's room more organized and set up her big girl bed.  We read books together and eventually she napped on the bed.  While she ate, I ate lunch and did some cleaning.  I was super tired, so after that, I laid down on my bed and read for a few minutes and then laid down.  It was heavenly.  But it only lasted for literally like a minute, because Lila woke up.

We eventually headed out to vacuum Jake's 4Runner in the driveway.  It was very hot out!  85+ degrees and really humid!  It felt like summer!  Lila's cheeks got super rosy.  So after we were done with that, we went to Target.  I wanted to find her some sandals.  I did, but they were too big for her (I just bought them without having her try them on... I didn't want to make a scene at the store).  I also found a shirt on clearance for both Lila and me.

So, Lila has this thing about pooping at Target.  She had already pooped in the morning, and lately, she only poops once a day or sometimes just every other day.  So I was pretty hopeful that she wouldn't continue her tradition of pooping every time we go there.  She had been sitting happily in the cart the whole time, but once we got to the kids' clothes section, she got bored, so I took her out of the cart to walk around.  Not 2 minutes later, and I hear her pooping away.  And she was smiling so big.  LOL.  At least she didn't scream and cry when I was changing her diaper, like she usually does.  She was pretty happy.

Jake called just as we were leaving (while I was changing her diaper, actually, and he thought it was pretty funny that she had pooped) at 3:00 to say that he was on his way back to Kalamazoo.  It was a relatively short meeting, but he said it was a good one and one that definitely needed to be done in person.  When we got home, I fixed myself a peanut butter bagel and Lila ate quite a few bites of it!  She was whining to nurse but I managed to stall her for some time by having her eat, which is good and important.  She seemed to really enjoy it too.

At 4:30 we headed to the Burkhead's.  They were having an open house for the former Sister Huntington (Kelliann).  Jake and I spent a lot of time with her and Sister Rafi (who is engaged to a black guy apparently) while they were teaching Kiwi.  It was a fun time, to be with so many of my KUB friends, including the Johnsons.  It was like a mini-reunion.  It amazes me sometimes to watch Lila walk around.  She's a real toddler now, not a baby.  This was very apparent when Desiree and Tyler showed up with 3-week-old Jarom.  He is teeny-tiny, and probably not yet as big as Lila was when she was born.  It was my first time meeting him and seeing Desiree since she had him.  She's as talkative as ever.  Jarom has his days and nights mixed up, so they're up all night with him.  Parenthood can be pretty intense.  I'm so grateful that Lila really had no problem with her days and nights at all.

It was a luau theme, so the food was pretty delish.  Lila even ate some of my sweet potatoes!  She tried them on her own!  As a young baby, she hated mushy foods, but she seemed to like these.  Didn't eat a whole lot of them, of course, but it's still pretty cool.  It was really funny too... I asked her if she'd like to have some of my chicken, and she replied, "Bawk, bawk."  That kid is so cute.

We got home at 7 and Lila got a bath.  We Skyped with my parents, and even with Jake for a little bit (on his iPhone, which was pretty cool, Lila loved seeing him).  He got home around 8 so was able to see Lila for a little bit.  She fell asleep at 8:30 on her own.

I only stayed up till 9:30.  I was beat and had a headache.  But I visited with Jake for a while and we made a to-do list of the rest of the cleaning that needs to be done before we can move ahead with bigger projects, like painting.

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