Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Lila's One-year Check-up

We made it through another day!  Life gets a lot easier when Jake gets home :) 
This morning started earlier than I would’ve liked. Lila was up before 7, but we got to have breakfast with Jake.  Lila had a small freak out when he left, but she eventually fell asleep as I rocked her to sleep in her chair.  She and I both got to sleep for a while before her doctor’s appointment at 10:00.
This was the first time I had to take Lila to get shots by myself; Jake has always been there in the past.  I was nervous, and rightfully so.  Lila hates the doctor’s and freaks out as soon as we get into an exam room.  Even as the medical assistant took her measurements, she screamed and cried like she was being tortured.  Thankfully, there wasn’t too much thrashing around… maybe she’s too young for that yet.  She sat in my lap and clung to me the whole time, and cried for the entire hour we were there.  The doctor is going to refer us to an Occupational Therapist for help with Lila’s eating, and I think that’ll help.  Hopefully.
After that, Lila calmed down pretty good so we headed to Becca’s for a little while to help her tie a quilt.  She ran out of yarn shortly after I got there, but that was ok because Lila needed a nap.  While Lila napped, I had lunch, cleaned up and unpacked a little, and also read the scriptures and old journal entries. 
Lila woke up in a good mood, so I was able to get a little unpacking done.  We went outside when she got cranky.  Listened to some slow songs while I danced around the kitchen with her because she was sleepy.  Tried to lay her down for a nap, but she didn’t want to sleep.  So we’ve been sitting in the living room listening to country music and other old music on Jake’s laptop.  We’re without internet right now; Charter was supposed to come today by 5, but they still haven’t come. 

1 comment:

  1. Good updates. I laughed at the part that Lila fell asleep quickly when you used your "stern" voice. Funny how things work like that some times. Yep, it's hard having a walker at church, and it usually lasts not until they go to nursery, but until they LIKE going to nursery. I was in Ashland Branch last Sunday, and didn't even try to put Jane in nursery there. She was a wreck. Before Sacrament Meeting, which is last hour there, she ran all the way around the pews, up the ramp, and banged on the piano before I could catch her! Lori was playing, and thought it was funny.

    Good luck with the rest of moving in! I'm glad you have lots of help there!
