Thursday, May 19, 2011

A Good, Good Day

Yesterday was okay, but pretty exhausting again.  The weather was pretty dreary, I don't think that helps.  Lila took a nap in the morning and then we went to Kohl's with Emily and my 30% off coupon.  Bought a bunch of summer clothes for the girl and some new bedsheets.  Lila had fun walking/running around the children's department and "flirting" with little boys there.  Cute clothes.  A lot of the clothes I bought her are 3T.  I "saved" $250 with my coupon and all the sales. 

Emily came over for a little bit afterwards.  She... can be pretty weird.  Like an old lady.  We were going to go grocery shopping together, and at around 3pm we were just sitting in the kitchen and she was watching TV on my Netflix.  I asked if she was ready to go and she's like, "Ohhh, I don't feel like it, blah blah blah, I'll just go later."  Uh, ok.  Anyway, we were annoying each other, so she left, lol.  She's working a lot this week.

So, Lila and I didn't get to go grocery shopping before Jake came home, which was my goal, but it was okay.  When she takes long-ish naps in the morning, she can't fall asleep for an afternoon nap, even though she's tired.  I was able to make dinner without her being too cranky though, which was nice.  We had banana pancakes, and they were AWESOME.  I ran out of milk (because I hadn't gone grocery shopping), so I used a half cup of milk and several tablespoons of sour cream, and they were the richest, moistest, yummiest pancakes I think I've ever had.  Lila munched on one.  She ate quite a bit of my peanut butter bagel yesterday (probably not even a quarter of a piece, but it was a lot for her).

We did showers and while I was putting Lila to bed, Jake went grocery shopping for me, bless his heart.  I really didn't want to go by myself.  When he got home, I told him about the experience I had the night before (personal revelation) and choked back tears.  He gave me a blessing too, because I've just been having a harder time than usual lately.  The one thing I remember most about the blessing is that he advised me to pray for comfort from Heavenly Father when I need it, and that Heavenly Father will comfort me.  I totally forgot that I could do that, lol.  So, I will.

I got into bed early (9 or 9:30) because I had a feeling like Lila would have a tough night.  And I was so right.  She was up a lot in between 9:30-11:30 or so.  And then at 3:30 she woke up crying and wouldn't go back to bed.  I kind of lost my cool.  Jake walked around the room with her for a while and then realized that it's probably her teeth, duh, so he gave her some Ibuprofen and she fell asleep shortly after that.  I felt bad waking her up in the morning for her OT appointment; she was completely passed out, but she woke up in a good mood, as usual.  She is so sweet.

We had a good day!  The best day we've had in a while.  I think the OT appointment really boosted my spirits.  We played around for quite a while after we got home and she fell asleep at 11:00 or so.  I had a nice lunch by myself (cheese ravioli).  She woke up around 12:30, still cranky and sleepy, so I laid next to her, she laid her head on my chest, and fell asleep.  It was so sweet and I loved it.  I also fell asleep and we slept for maybe an hour.

Got up, did some chores, Lila followed me around the house as usual.  I called Alicia Thompson because I was getting bored, and we headed over there at 3:30.  Haven't visited with her in a while, so it was nice, and Lila enjoyed playing with Brig (17 months).  Alicia is due with a girl in a month, so she's very pregnant and I was amazed watching her carry Brig and the stroller down the stairs, lol.  (I had Lila and a heavy bag of trash, otherwise I would've helped her.)  We went for a walk to pick up her 6-year-old nephew up from the bus.  (He's been living with them since March... his mom, Derek's sister, tried to commit suicide.)  The sun came out during out walk and it became pretty hot out.  I loved the sunshine.  We left for home when Jake left work and got to have a quick dinner with him before he went to his 6:00 stake presidency meeting.  (He's just leaving the stake center now at 10:30pm.)

We Skyped with my mom.  I love Skype.  It's so awesome.  Showed her the clothes I got for Lila.  We talked about how Lila kind of reminds us of how Emily was when she was little... very particular, obedient, quirky, sweet.  I hope Lila doesn't have Emily's "crazy" issues though ;)  At 6:45 I started getting Lila ready for bed, but she didn't actually fall asleep until after 8:30.  She was perfectly happy and content before bedtime though, and it was AWESOME.  Usually she gets pretty cranky, but we had so much fun.  She got up when I was changing her diaper, so I chased her little bare butt around the house and she giggled and had so much fun.  We organized my closet a little bit.  We laid on the bed and read books.  She turned the radio on a few times and was so happy to hear the music.  I carried her around the house a little bit while I picked up.  All while soft, golden sunshine came in through the front windows.  I really, really love this little girl.  She's my little, blonde shadow.

She had a great day today.  She only nursed three times!  I think that's a record!  She nursed before her nap, after her nap for a little bit, and then before bed.  At Alicia's she started pulling on my shirt and whining for it, but I gave her some Cheerios and she happily ate those instead.  And while we were playing before bed, she drank quite a bit of her watered-down apple juice and snacked too.  I'm so proud of her.

She said "baby" a lot today while we were looking at books... one of the books has a picture of a baby on the back and she liked pointing to it and saying "beebee."  She babbles a lot now excitedly when she's walking/running/stomping around.  "dadadadadadada!!!" or "mamamamama!" and always she speaks her Swedish... "duckadin doddin" and now she speaks some French, "lock-oh-layl."

Anyway, just a lovely, lovely evening with Lila.  I need to video tape her more.  She's just too cute.  After she was asleep, I cleaned up some more, and then went outside to water my hanging baskets and get the mail.  The sun was setting in front our house behind some beautiful clouds, and as I was walking back into the house, I saw a big rainbow directly behind it!  So beautiful!  And then I had a yummy mango and watched The Office finale.

And now Jake is home.  Hooray.

1 comment:

  1. Good days rock! Mmm, banana pancakes. I should make those.
