Saturday, May 14, 2011

7w 2d

I was feeling utterly exhausted for most of the day so far... but it seems like I'm starting to feel a little more energized.  It was hard to get out of bed... and Jake went to get his haircut and check out a junkyard for a new seat for my Camry, so he was gone for 2 hours.  And it's dreary outside today.  We did take a nice bike ride to see the different garage sales in our neighborhood, and that was nice too.  But the rest of the afternoon it was hard to do much.  It took all the energy/self-motivation I had to take a shower after lunch.  Lila has been a bright spot in my day, though.  Seeing her walk around the house so happily all day is just good for my spirits and she's just so cute.  I was able to lay down with her a few times.  I never fell asleep, but even just laying down for a little bit helps. 

I haven't had any upset tummy issues this week like I did all throughout the 6th week, which is nice.  Just tired.

We told Mike earlier this week.  We were talking with him on the phone.  He was talking about Cassandra, of course.  He said that he'd shown her his birth certificate, where it says that his mom was 24 when she had him.  (Which just blows my mind because he was her fourth child.)  I said, "I'll be 24 when we have our next child."  He asked, "Are you pregnant?"  I said, "Yup!"  He said, "Wow!  Congratulations!" and then went right on talking about Cassandra! lol.  Jake and I laughed and rolled our eyes.  When he was done talking about Cassandra I asked him if he wanted to know more about the new baby.  He got excited after he found out it's due in December, but especially when he found out that we told him before we told my family.  He told Cassandra later that night and she emailed me to say, "Congratulations!!!!!"

Talked to Christy a bit at the Burkhead's on Wednesday.  She's due two days before me, on the 27th.

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