Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

Last night it took a little longer than we thought to install the microwave.  Jake had to adjust it a few different times because it wasn't level, but it's in now and looks great.  And now we have a microwave!  I love that it's over the stove so we don't have to take up counter space with one.

Mike stopped by for a while last night.  Talked about Cassandra the whole time, of course.  Apparently, in her head, they aren't as serious as Mike thought they were.  But that's fine.  He left at like 10:30 or later, I think.  We were all really tired.

Jake got Lila up out of bed this morning and made breakfast-in-bed for me.  He made yummy French toast and sausage and also got donuts from Sweetwater's last night when he went grocery shopping.  He got my favorite for me: Boston Creme.

We were a few minute late for church so had to sit in the very back row.  Our ward is much bigger now.  We "lost" a lot of families to the 2nd ward, but we also "gained" the entire third ward.  We only had Sacrament meeting today, which was really nice.  Also really special because baby Ruby Shumway was blessed.  The talks were good too... Jared Johnson and Adam Johnson (not related) both spoke.  I felt so moved the entire meeting; so grateful to be a mom and so thankful for my mom and my dad too, who stayed home with Em and I.

After church we (adult women) got flowers from the ward and headed to the nursing home to see John.  We didn't visit long because he was very tired, and he didn't want the donut we'd brought him so we ate it on the way home.

Lila took a short nap and so Jake and I got to doze off for a little while, but her nap didn't last too long.  Less than an hour.  Had lunch.  Ramen noodles... second time we had them this weekend but it hit the spot.  Did some cleaning and then went outside for quite a while.  Lila played with the neighbor boys a little (Brody and Toby).  Brody (4) was standing by the street and pulled his pants all the way down, lol, so he had to go inside.  So funny.

We took Lila for her first bike ride of the year.  The last time we went, in September, she had to sit in her infant carseat.  She seemed to be okay with it.  The sun was pretty bright, and she doesn't like hats (they make her cry) or sunglasses.  We stopped by a trail where you can watch horses at a neighboring farm, very pretty.  And then we talked to our neighbors across the street for a while, Chad and Mary LaFrenz. Jake worked with Chad at Stryker.  Apparently the owners of the house also had a golden retriever; Chad and Mary told us.  They also told us again to expect a lot of wildflowers growing in front of our house and on the sides.

At around 4:00 we started dinner, and Jake surprised me with some charcoal for our grill!  He'd marinated chicken earlier in the day.  So I chopped up some potatoes and made a foil packet of them and he threw the chicken on the grill once it'd warmed up.  And then we sat and relaxed in the sunshine while dinner cooked.  It was soo awesome!  Everything I hoped living in a house would be :)  Lila really enjoys being outside too.

Dinner was yummy.  And Lila surprised us both by trying, and liking, both corn and potatoes!  She put both in her mouth and swallowed, quite a few times!  It was awesome!  At lunch she tried to eat Ramen and really liked that too.  So, she is definitely making progress now!  It's so exciting!

Mike and Cassandra stopped by for a little while to drop off the twin bed Mike had been borrowing.  It was nice seeing them together and visiting with C.  Lila was so funny... she's becoming much more weary around strangers and was giving Cassandra the stink eye almost the entire time she was here.  They're on their way to Lansing right now to visit C's paternal grandma.  Mike was pretty reluctant to go (he didn't tell C that, but told us) but we told him it'd be good and that spending time with (extended) family is an important part of marriage.

Lila went to bed at 7, and now we're hanging out till bedtime, writing in journals, etc.  It was a really, really awesome Mother's Day weekend.  I feel refreshed, relaxed, and loved.  Jake did a great job.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you are so thoroughly enjoying your house. You're lucky to have a handy-man in Jake. Tyler knows how to do less than I do.

    Now there's a Mothers' Day gift, shorter church! :)

    I'm glad Lila is trying more foods, that's great! Haha, Lila's stink-eye for new people. Jane didn't do it as much, but her cousins' cousin Lily has a GREAT one.

    Mike & Cassandra: I don't know. It's important for both to understand that relationships with opposite-sex people are going to be different. But there also has to be complete trust, which I'm sure Mike will have a harder time with than most. Tyler had a hard time with my friendships with other guys...and I'm just talking about phone calls, emails, or study groups. And, those not meaningful to me have ended, and we worked through it...sometimes I still think it's a little silly, but it's what we have to do to be happy and secure in our marriage. In med school Tyler's best two friends were girls, and we always hung out all together, though I never considered them to be "my" friends. And I have never had a problem with him being with them (he was studying, not hanging out socially). But it's a hard conversation to have before engagement/marriage, because Mike can't expect Cassandra to break off all her male friendships because theirs might turn into something more.

    Did you like the Office without Michael? I actually do. I didn't think I'd like Will Ferrell in it, but I thought last week's episode was really good.

    Happy Mothers' Day!
