Sunday, May 15, 2011


Friday was pretty great.  Lila woke up early again, but then slept from 8-11:30, or something like that.  I got to sleep for a while too.  Loved it.  Had some lunch and then headed to Sonja Staples' to take pictures of her 2-week-old son Connor.  I took her maternity pictures last month.  He is adorable, very sweet.  It was a really nice time, we were there for a few hours.  Lila had fun playing in the backyard with Brynn, following her around, and playing with a bucket full of water.  Sonja's great, as always.

After that, I was going to stop at Old Navy, but Lila was tired so we headed home instead and she fell asleep on the way.  Jake had promised to come home early, and he did get out at around 4.  Stopped at Walmart for a few things and got here around the same time Mike did.  They sharpened the blade on the lawn mower and fixed a few more things.  We had dinner together: sloppy joes and mac & cheese.

Lila got to bed a little later than usual.  Before bedtime she was pretty hopped up, maybe on sugar.  She's starting to snack on Cheerio's.  She usually eats mac & cheese.  She ate some baked beans the other day and also munched on my pizza for a while.  And today she was snacking on gold fish.  She's also learning to love her sippy cup, but she only likes water so far.  So, she's getting better!  I feel like I'm nursing her less now than I was, so that's a good thing.

She is so funny lately.  She gives kisses now, but usually only to her pink fuzzy bunny.  She will pucker up and actually kiss it on the nose, make the right noise and everything.  It's so cute.  But when we ask her for a kiss, she usually doesn't give us one.  One night though Jake and I were laying on the floor playing with her and she bent down and started kissing us on our foreheads, which was adorable.  And sometimes she lets me kiss her on the lips and it's adorable.  Love. it.

She seems a lot more comfortable in the house now.  She walks around happily, babbling to herself, swinging her arms, most of the day.  She's babbling a lot more now.  She says "Ba!" for ball, which was a new and recent development, and not one we've worked on teaching her.

After Lila went to bed, Frank and Kate Whitaker, and their 3 1/2 month old son George, came over to look at our house.  They are looking at a house in the neighborhood.  It was fun visiting with them.  Kate is very loud and opinionated... she's way into breastfeeding and co-sleeping, so we have similar views, but she's way more opinionated and outspoken about them :)  It would be fun if they moved into the neighborhood.  They're nice people.

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