Thursday, June 2, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend (Part 2)

Sunday was a good day.  My mom even came to church with us, which is great, something she doesn't normally do.  (Can't remember the last time she came to church with us.)  I think it was mostly so she could be with Lila. :)  Church starts at 9.  We sat in the back.  Mom went out with Lila for a while to the foyer because Lila was getting feisty.  After sacrament meeting, I introduced Mom and Dad to Shane's mom, Kristen Murphy.  We went home while Jake stayed at church to do some clerk work.

Lunch was yummy leftovers from the BBQ.  When Jake got home, we went to the park before it rained.  We had a lot of fun there.  Lila walked up and down the hill a few times with Grandma, but then she found a friend there... a 4-year-old girl who took Lila under her wing and showed her around.  They'd walk around the park, and this little girl would put her arm around Lila.  It was terribly cute.  When we got home, Jake and Dad set up the new (old) speakers in the basement from President Anderson.  Emily fell asleep on the couch in the basement, so I kicked her out (told her to sleep in the guest room upstairs) so that I could sit there and visit with the rest of the family.  Mom and Dad wanted to watch some kind of sport (they're addicted to sports) and the only thing on (our free channels) was NASCAR.  We were hit with a huge thunderstorm/rainstorm but it didn't last too long in Kalamazoo.  Battle Creek got hit pretty hard though.  Mike's apartment was out of power for a few days and there were tons of trees down all over the city.  Mom and Emily left for a while and Lila napped.  That evening while we were putting Lila to bed, Mom/Dad/Emily watched Beauty and the Beast.

Monday morning, we were all up fairly early so my parents were able to spend some time with Lila before they left.  I'm so grateful they were able to come.  It was really the first time in the 5 years we've lived here that both of them were able to come and we were all really able to enjoy ourselves.  I'm so grateful we have our house now.  Lila just loved having them around.  She often stood at my dad's feet with her arms reaching upwards so that he would pick her up.  She loved to say "papa."  Mom had a blast taking care of her and also taking care of me.  They helped us get organized... and now we're all organized!  We can move ahead with decorating.  What a blessing.  I'm already excited for their next visit.

After they left, we decided to go to Ultimate Frisbee.  Mike stopped by on his way to invite us.  Jake always tells them that he'll come "someday..."  The last time he went he was super out of shape and I guess felt intimidated by that fact.  But he went and took it easy this time and had a lot of fun.  Lila and I went to play at the playground.  Robyn and Christian Green were visiting from Indiana so we played on the playground with their 4 kids and also with Liberty Wesel.  Cute kids.  Lila loved being on the merry-go-round with them.  Stopped for a treat on the way home and then Mike came over to shower at our place before heading to Cassandra's.  Lila took a good nap.  Jake and I spent time outside organizing the garage and weeding.  After Lila got up, we headed to Joe and Becca Burkhead's for their annual Memorial Day BBQ.  Mike and Cassandra went too.  Lila had a really great time there.  She's super cranky at our house usually, but when we're out she's usually much happier.  She had fun just walking around Joe and Becca's place.  She liked sitting on their steps.  (It's one of her favorite things to do now: sit on steps.  She figured out how to turn around, back up, and sit down by herself.)  Cassandra brought Spruce Beer from Canada (like root beer... except made from spruce trees), and it was so gross.  Smelled like a Christmas tree.  Jake said he felt like one with nature when he drank it, but not in a good way.

Another funny thing that happened: Miguel Reyes was there.  He's half-Mexican so has a similar complexion to me.  Lila went up to him and wanted him to hold her!  It was so funny!  I don't think I've ever seen her do that to a stranger before, let alone a MAN.  We figured that it's probably because she thought he was my dad! lol!

Joe and Becca are adorable, by the way.  They did a flag ceremony.  Joe is in the Air Force and Becca is in the Civil Air Patrol.  They dressed up in their uniforms and marched through the living room with the flag and did a little ceremony.  I love them together--a perfect match. 

After that we went to Walmart to pick up some things for the house.  Don't remember much about the rest of the day... but it was sure nice having an extra day with Jake.  I love that guy.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Part 2! Joe and Becca what? :)

    Funny about Lila and the 4 year old at the park. How cute!
