Thursday, November 17, 2011

Ultrasound - 34 weeks

I was supposed to go in for an ultrasound at 3:00, but Lila didn't go down for a nap till 1:30, so I called to reschedule the ultrasound for 3:30.  It worked out well, Lila woke up right before we had to leave at 3:00.  I had thought about dropping her off at Kate's, but decided to take her with us, and I'm glad we did, because she woke up just wanting Mommy.  Nothing a good car ride with some licorice couldn't fix, though.

Emily came along.  It was a growth scan and a BPP.  At the beginning of the ultrasound I asked if we would get any pictures, because Jake wanted them of course, and she said she would try to get some for us.  The only ultrasounds I've ever gotten were when I was 6 weeks along with Lila and then the 20 week scans for both kids, so I've never seen a bigger baby on an ultrasound before.  And truthfully, there wasn't that much to see, because he's so much bigger and he's running out of room in there.  He's head down and the placenta is on my left side still.  He's still measuring a week or so behind, which is still in the normal range, but maybe he really will be a smaller baby than Lila.  Sounds like it.  He's estimated to weigh 4 lbs 2 oz right now.  We saw his boy parts again--he is definitely a boy :)  He was moving around like crazy during the ultrasound.  It was almost a little painful.  The tech had to chase him around to get the measurements she needed.  We got a decent look at his face, and to my delight, she got a few 3D images of him.  His face was mostly snuggled into the placenta (the closest thing to a baby blanket he has right now?) but we got to see his eyes and nose at least, and he has the same little nose as Lila does!!  It's amazing!  I think he'll probably look a lot like her.  His arm was in front of his lips, so we didn't get a good look at his mouth.  I'm so excited to see what he looks like.  Too bad Jake couldn't be there.

1 comment:

  1. So exciting! I'm so glad we live in an age when we get to see our babies on ultrasounds before they're born! It's such amazing technology.
