Friday, November 25, 2011

"Happy Thanksgeebing Back."

The day after Thanksgiving! Black Friday! Jake and my dad are out braving the crowds.  They only left about 15-20 minutes ago, so that's not terrible.  But Jake is going to buy a piano keyboard from Guitar Center (he's been wanting to buy one for a few years now) and they have a 15% coupon today.  He's also going to see if they have any more Christmas trees at Home Depot, they were $100 off.  Probably sold out.  Jake got up at 7 to go, woke my dad up, and they woke Emily up because Emily's been saying how she wants to go shopping today, and she growled and whined at them. :) hahaha... Oh, I'm so excited for her to become a mom.

This week has been really nice so far.  On Monday night, we home taught the Tensmeyers.  Jake's companion was sick and couldn't go, so we took Lila.  Lila and Ella had fun playing together, they're pretty funny to watch, two little blondies running around.  Ella was at the tail end of croup, so she was coughing a lot.  Their little baby Rosalie (love that name) is almost a month old now, and so sweet.  Holly is doing great, she looks really good.  Dan's mom was there for the holidays and was a nice lady too.  We only intended on a short visit, but we were there for almost 3 hours I think.  Dan's mom asked what Jake did, and then Dan asked, "So, you're pretty good with computers?"  And then Jake helped him fix his iPhone, which wouldn't allow him to connect to his iTunes account.  The little girls got suckers and cookies and played with the iPad--what a life!  It was nice visiting with Holly.  I'm going to take Lila over there this week to keep her company and to let the girls play together.  I'm glad Jake was able to help... it's nice to actually be able to do something for the people you home/visit teach (especially when it's easy!) instead of just saying, "Let us know if there's anything we can do for you."

Tuesday was like a Friday, because Jake took Wednesday off of work.  When he came home from work on Tuesday, we told Lila it was the weekend, and she waved her arms around a little and said, "Weekend, party!" :)  We went to Sam's Club to get some things for Thanksgiving and stopped at Meijer for some produce and to get a Blu-ray from Red Box.  One of our goals for the long weekend was to watch a movie together, something we haven't done since August.

Wednesday was a busy day and went by really fast.  We had a quick BPP (biophysical profile) ultrasound to check on Baby Jared.  (This is cute, instead of calling him Brother Jared, like Jake and I usually do when we're talking to her, Lila calls him Jared Brother.)  It was really only 5 minutes or less.  He's looking good though, practicing breathing this time.  I think they're probably a little too zealous in their monitoring of him, but I guess that's okay.  Just want to make sure he's doing okay in there.

After that we went to our insurance people to get our applications for life insurance.  It's been on our to do list all year, since we bought our house, and just haven't gotten around to it.  Made me a little nervous when Jake did his traveling this month, that we didn't have anything set up.  So now we have to fill those out and get little physicals done.

We watched the first half of Captain America during Lila's nap, and she watched the second half with us.  Good movie, and it was fun to just relax on the couch and watch a movie together again.  It's the little things :)

Lila had an appointment for immunizations at 3:15 and we didn't get out of there till after 4.  There was some confusion about what dose of Hep B she was supposed to get, so it took a while for them to check.  She did considerably well waiting in the exam room and actually getting her shots.  Didn't put up a fight and only cried for less than a minute.  I think the Skittles I gave her afterwards helped.

From there, went to Meijer to finish up our Thanksgiving shopping.  Emily was there when we got home.  Got dinner.  Dad arrived an hour later, it's nice that he could come.  Lila was happy to see him, of course.  Jake and I drove around for almost an hour trying to find a newspaper with all the Black Friday ads, but all 10 places we checked had sold out.

When we got back, Jake set up Jared's crib.  Yay!  And we put drawer liners in his dresser and I filled it up with a ton of clothes.  This kid has more clothes than Lila did as a baby, for sure... and almost all of them so far we've gotten for free. 

Lila slept terrrrrrribly that night.  Was up at 3, fell asleep for a bit, and then was up crying till like 7 or something.  YIKES.  Jake and I were both up with her, and then my dad took her for a while so we could go back to bed.  It was pretty awful, we just wanted to sleep.  And then it dawned on me that, duh, she'd just gotten shots that day so we gave her some Advil and she went back to bed shortly after that.  Duh.  She slept in till 11.

Thanksgiving morning was busy, getting food ready, getting showered and ready, etc.  We made mashed potatoes and sweet potato bake (with lots of brown sugar and pecans).  We got to the Burnhams at 2:00 and got to watch the second half of the Packers/Lions game (Packers won).  It was an awesome way to do Thanksgiving--I'm so glad we arranged it that way.  Terra was in charge of the turkey, and every other family brought one or two sides.  It was perfect.  The Thompsons, Gochnours, Melissa/Mark Christensen, and the Hunts were there.  The Gochnours and Christensens are new to the area--they are new medical residents here in Kalamazoo, as is Nick Burnham. 

Came home, tried to take a quick nap.  Lila fell asleep on the way to the Hunts for dessert at 6:00 or so.  We split up dinner and dessert, which was also an awesome idea.  We had a really, really fun time there.  Dad didn't go, he stayed home and slept, but Emily came.  The same group of people were there and it was nice getting to know some of the new people.  We had yummy dessert and then played Catch Phrase and one of my old favorites, Mafia.  Lots of laughs.  Especially when Terra was a police for an entire game and didn't know it.  We're lucky to have such awesome friends here.  Lila was pretty tired and clingy, but she did alright.

We got home at around 10pm.  Lila stayed up for another hour.  We played in the guest room with Dad and Emily and Lila was just so happy, we were all laughing at how cute she is.  We sure love that little girl.  I was really, really, really hoping that Lila would have a good night because I just needed to get some sleep.  So I cuddled in her bed with her, and she fell asleep cuddled up against me, and oh my, it was so sweet.  And she did sleep through the night, hallelujah!!

Jake stayed up late researching Black Friday sales.  Now it's 10am and he's back with the keyboard, Dad and Emily are going shopping, and Jake is outside with Lila and the Caldwell boys winterizing our tractors.

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