Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Lila's 19-month check-up, New Dresser, Jake

Lila woke up an hour after she went to bed on Sunday night coughing and crying.  Sounded painful.  So she stayed up with us till 11 and then slept all through the night, which was great.  Mike dropped off our Camry during that time; he sold his VW and hasn't gotten a replacement yet, so he took our car to Canada to visit Cassandra.  They still don't have a wedding date.  They need to wait until they hear back from the First Presidency anyway, but they're still not sure.  Mike wants to get married ASAP, of course, but especially in 2011 so they can get the tax break... but Cassandra wants to wait till January so she can get a dress custom made or something.  It's kind of complicated, like most things in their relationship.  I'm voting for January so that we can go :)

Monday morning at 8:30, Lila had her 18-month appointment.  Even though she's over 19 months old.  (Our schedule got off when Jake started working at Maestro in January, because our new insurance didn't kick in until mid-February.)  We saw a Nurse Practitioner named Michelle Jepsen; I like her a lot and plan on going to her in the future.  She's who we saw at Lila's one-year appointment and she referred us to the OT.  She's very warm and friendly and good at explaining things.  She determined that Lila has croup.  Poor girl.  But since it's a viral infection, there's not much that can be done except wait.  So hopefully Lila will be feeling better by the end of the week.  Symptoms of croup: a "barky" cough, stridor, gets worse at night, fever.  So we didn't do her immunizations that day, we scheduled an appointment for a few weeks so she'll be better.  But she did get weighed and measured.  She weighs 27 lbs 6 oz (81%) and is 33 1/2 (84%) inches tall.  Her growth is starting to slow down!  She's been in the 97th percentile up until now.  She weighs the same as she did at 11 months old but is over 2 inches taller.

Took her to the grocery store after that.  She likes to walk instead of sit in the cart now, but she did last in the cart for the first half.  (Right now Lila is sitting in her little rocking chair in the living room talking about Brig.  She's saying, "Give Briggy a hug.  Briggy guitar shirt.  Cute."  Because on Saturday Brig had a guitar shirt on.  I'm surprised that she remembers that!)  She's actually pretty good at staying right by me and following me around, so that's good.  It sure is a work out, that grocery shopping.

After we got home, Tracy and Emma Boggs came by for a bit.  They brought us Panera for lunch :)  They were in town with Rich, who was at a conference here.  It was nice visiting with them; she's Lori's best friend.  Talked mostly about labor and delivery and how cute Lila is.

Lila took a 2 1/2 hour nap, which was great.  She woke up coughing once, but thankfully fell back asleep.

After dinner, we picked up a dresser I found on Craigslist.  Wasn't even really looking for anything specific, but it's a really great dresser, good/fashionable design, solid wood.  $75.  We'll put it in Jared's room--which is nice because he wasn't going to have a dresser, just a closet.  It has 9 drawers so I can put things like burp cloths and blankets in them, even.  Yay.  And then we went to Sam's Club.

Came home, and Jake got Lila all hyper playing with her and giving her a bath.  So she wasn't in bed till 10 again. Oy.  But, she slept for 10 hours straight, which is a record for her... at least in her toddlerhood.  Jake and I stayed up too late watching Once Upon a Time on Hulu.  Past midnight.  I'm tired today.

Jake's been doing well.  He's such a good dad and husband.  Last night after Lila was in bed--after we'd been chasing her around and had gone grocery shopping--this was the gist of our conversation:

Jake: Wow. I'm worn out.
Rudi: Yeah. That's what I do all day.
Jake: Well, I work all day too you know.
Rudi: Yeah, but that's not physical work.
Jake: But my work is very stressful.
Rudi: Well, you don't tell me that so I don't know that.  You always say work is fine.
Jake: In the future, when I say that work is fine, it means that it's very stressful.
Rudi: Uh, no!  If work is very stressful, you need to say that it's very stressful, Mr. Words Mean Things.
Jake: Uh...
Rudi: What message is that sending to our kids?  That when we say fine we mean that we're really stressed--
Jake: Ok! You're right! I get it!

Just teasing Jake a little bit.  He's always saying that we need to mean what we say because Words Mean Things! :)

Another conversation we've had recently -- Jake heard a story/study on the radio about how children are most impressionable when they're Jr. High age.  That's when they really don't have strong opinions about anything and are most teachable.  I thought that's interesting.  We talked about that time in our lives.  Jr. High was pretty hard for me... it was just a very intense time period for me.  Trying to fit in, because in elementary school I had been bullied... so I just wanted to fit in and be popular... trying to navigate my way through what seemed to be a very complex social structure.  And I don't think it would've been so difficult if I'd had more guidance from my parents.  They would tell me who they thought I shouldn't be friends with... like they thought some people were a bad influence... but I don't remember them really explaining why.  I don't remember them explaining a lot of things, even in high school.  I really hope that I'm able to provide my children the guidance they need to feel confident. 

Jake also was telling me how grateful he was for our marriage and how he thinks it's really solid.  It means a lot to me to hear things like that from him.  I really am so thankful that he is a partner that I can rely on, that we're in this together, that we're a team.  I can't imagining trying to raise our family without him.  I love him.

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