Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Tuesday, November 15, 2011 -- 12:32 am

Hi Rudi,

We got to the hotel tonight at about 10:45pm, then ordered dinner in the bar/grill. I split the pita/veggie plate and a mushroom/swiss burger with Jen. The pita plate was really good with hummus, and the burger was really good too. I wouldn't usually get mushroom/swiss anything, but it turned out to be very tasty....so, if Mushrooms are healthy for you, then I wouldn't mind having them on a burger.

The plane ride had a lot of turbulence, but the plane was nicer than the one we flew on last time. there was a little more legroom this time. Also, Jen, Phil and I all sat right next to each other in the same row. We talked a lot of work stuff on the way over. Since we used my rental credit, we got to pick our car. We were going to get a Dodge Journey, but someone had stolen the keys to a bunch of vehicles earlier that day and that was one of them. We ended up between a Ford Expedition and a GMC Yukon. We took the Expedition. It's HUGE. And, Jen described the inside as Old-Manish. But, it was fine, and just a little big for riding around in in NYC. However, it wasn't long before we were on the freeway. Altogether though, not a great car. Kind of wish we tried the Yukon....wonder if it would've been any better. I'll try again next time.

Anyway, dinner was nice (and late), but good to finally get some food. At Ohare, we sat at the Chili's and just had chips/salsa while we waited for the flight since we got there so early.

Tomorrow we'll meet with Janssen and Synthes and be back in NYC probably for dinner. I'm glad this is a quick trip.

Well, just wanted to shoot you an email and tell you what I've done today, and how much I love and appreciate you. I think you're doing a great job as a mother and wife, and pregnant too! Keep up the good work, it will be well worth the effort.

Know that I am thinking of you always in my heart. Love always,


My response at 1:00 am

Hey babe. I see you sent this not long ago. Ive been up for over an hour. Fell asleep for a few hours at 9 or 9:30 but woke up and haven't been able to fall back asleep. Feeling uncomfortable. And the baby was kicking a LOT and keeping me up. Kicking me in the ribs. Nice to know he's in there and wants to make his presence known. :) I've never been kept up by a kicking baby before, Lila was never like that.

It was great to hear what you did all day. Thanks so much for taking the time to do that. Reminds me of the good old days of dating and being engaged, writing emails to each other.

Our evening went well. Dropped off the dinner at holly's. Her baby is so sweet and big like Lila was. She said things are going very well and that she's an easy baby. I sure hope Jared is a good baby. Holly looked SO GOOD. She was so skinny, wearing skinny jeans and didn't look at all like she just had an 8.5 lb baby. Lucky. Didn't stay long at all. I was so tired. Got lost on the way home :) thank goodness for the iPhone!

I was expecting Lila to be up till 10 or 11 as usual. But she watched an episode of the birdie show, we Skyped with my parents for a bit. Lila was really hyper and playful for a bit, running and hopping around, playing peek a boo with her blanket. It was very cute. And then she snapped and needed to get to bed immediately, this was a little after 8pm. "I want beddy! I want go nap!" it was hard getting her in her jammies. But she fell asleep around8:45 and is still sleeping. Hopefully my morning doesn't begin too early. At least i was able to get some sleep earlier, i was so exhausted and had a headache. Ann Walls (Pineda) and Lucas are coming over at 9:30 to get the pictures and Emily is coming over after school and spending the night, so at least I won't be alone.

So things are going well here. Hope your meetings go well tomorrow. I'll be thinking of you. I love you so much and sincerely appreciate the hard work you do for our family. It's so nice to know that even when we're not together, we're working together for the good of our family. I'm so glad you're my partner in all of this.

Love you so much,
The wife of your bosom.

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