Thursday, November 10, 2011

To Do Before Jared is Born (updated 11/10)

  1. Sell e-bay and Craigslist items (stereo, stove hood, leaf blower) We're going to put these in a garage sale in the spring instead.
  2. Set up basement office, unpack drums, set up bookshelves
  3. Buy bed and frame from Jen Jake doesn't like the bed after all, so we're not going to buy it.
  4. Buy end tables for master bedroom
  5. Paint guest bathroom
  6. Paint master bathroom
  7. Paint master bedroom
  8. Buy dresser for master bedroom
  9. Buy headboard for guest room
  10. Buy a generator Jake's parents are giving us their old one!  Woohoo!
  11. Complete 3 month food storage
  12. Make freezer meals
  13. Set up carseats
  14. Put away Lila's outgrown clothes
  15. Organize Jared's clothes
  16. Finish Jared's baby blanket The pattern is no longer available for free online. Not going to make one after all.
  17. Make (or buy) curtains and pillows for living room
  18. Make Lila's baby book: letters and pictures
  19. Put pedals on lawn mower (Jake)  He's decided to do this after Jared's born, next spring.
  20. Make crib skirt
  21. Paint Lila's room
  22. Paint Jared's room
  23. Thank you notes from baby shower
    1. Judy Fowler
    2. Alicia
    3. Kasey
    4. Jen Randall
  24. Buy diapers and wipes
  25. Pack hospital bag
  26. Make sure fridge and pantry are stocked with good foods/snacks for our homecoming
  27. Decorate for Christmas (keep simple)
  28. Make sure I have recovery items ready for homecoming (pain killers, medicine, etc)
  29. Put together games/crafts for Lila to do over the winter
  30. Trip to Sam's Club


  1. Well, that's an ambitious list to get done in 20 weeks! You better get cracking!

  2. So you guys decided on Jared for his name?

  3. Yeah, I think it will be Jared. I don't love it in the same way that I loved Lila's name when we picked it out, but it feels right and I think it will grow on me. :)

  4. Crew's name was the same for us. We didn't settle on a name until right before going into surgery!
