Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Staycation, Jake in NJ and NY

Saturday morning Lila slept in till 11 or something crazy like that, because she was up in the middle of the night crying for a while, and didn't get to bed till after 11.  I slept in till 9:30.  Woke up and finished the second coat of edging and then Jake did one coat with the roller.  Lori and Dan left in the morning sometime, shortly after they bought the Rav4 (they paid for it with actual cash, which is pretty funny and a very Betzold thing to do... over $20k in cash).  Jake and his dad worked on installing the generator, but had to run to Menards for a while to get materials.  Jake took Lila and while they were gone, I finished painting Jared's room! :)  It was a very proud, I-am-woman-hear-me-roar moment when I finished.  Both of the kids' rooms are painted!  This is a huge victory for the Betzold family! :)

After that, Jake and his dad worked on the generator.  We were planning on heading over to the hotel at 3, when check-in started, but I don't think we got there till 4:30 or 5.  They had to finish up what they were doing, and Lila took a late nap.  Next time we do this (if we ever do it again), we'll definitely try to get there sooner so that we have more time to relax.  We stayed at the Fairfield Inn, which is literally less than 10 minutes from our house and across the street from Jake's work. :)  We jumped on the bed for a bit (well, Jake and Lila did) and then went swimming.  Lila loved it and called the pool a "cool."  I got to use my maternity swimsuit for the first time (the one I got on clearance for $12).  It was my first time swimming as a very pregnant woman, and I was amazed at how weightless I felt, and how absolutely heavy I felt as soon as I stepped out of the pool.  We had fun swimming together.  I love my little family.  Lila had a blast.

We had dinner at the Cracker Barrel.  It was my first time there and I enjoyed it.  We split a dessert of apple pie a la mode.  Yum.  Then headed back to the hotel and got in the jacuzzi.  I poured a LOT of bubble bath in there, and it was almost overflowing with bubbles.  Pretty funny and it scared Lila at first.  Then Jake went to buy some snacks for us and we watched TV for a little while.  Then Lila cried herself to sleep.  We went to bed shortly after that.  We had a little rollaway bed for her, right up next to our bed.  We stacked some pillows next to her so that she wouldn't fall off the bed, but unfortunately, she fell off the bed anyway at 3:40am.  And was up for the next 3 hours.  ARGGHHH!  She cried most of that time, and Jake had to take her out in the hall for walks a few times.  I was really impatient with her and was kind of a mean mom, but I was so exhausted and just wanted to sleep.  I felt bad when she finally started to calm down and fell asleep again.  Sigh.  Jake and I slept in till 9:30 and Lila slept in until almost 11 again, I think.  Jake and I had breakfast together while Lila slept in the room, and after she woke up, we all went swimming again just so that we could end the vacation on a good note.

Went to sacrament meeting at the 2nd ward.  After church, Lila took a nap and Jake and I fell asleep on the couch.  Emily made dinner.  We were going to set up the crib, but couldn't find two parts to it.  Bummer.  And then Jake packed for New Jersey.

Jake's business trip and mine and Lila's stint without him went well.  Lila and I stayed busy running errands, shopping, playing, bringing food to Holly, visiting teaching.  I have a new VT companion, Meghan Decker, which is awesome!  I haven't had a VT companion for most of this year.  Meghan is President Decker's wife (he's the 2nd counselor in the Stake Presidency).  A really great lady.  We VT Terra Burnham, Mary Gleason (old lady), and Brenda Sesto (a recent divorcee, now inactive, who used to be in the Stake RS Presidency), and another lady who is inactive.  Jake spent one night in New Jersey and one night in NYC, which is pretty cool, but had a long day.  He got back to Kalamazoo yesterday at around 2:30 and was able to come home for 15 minutes before needing to head back to work.  We're happy to have him home.  So now I guess we're used to not having Jake around, which is fine, because he's got his church meeting tonight too.  But we sure like having him around.

I have about half of my Christmas shopping done, which is good!  Melissa, ever prepared and on top of things, already mailed Lila and Jared's presents to us. 

And some awesome news we received yesterday: AnnaMarie is having twin boys!  Woohoo!  So exciting.

1 comment:

  1. I totally understand your feeling of accomplishment for finishing a huge project like painting! Way to go!

    Funny about the $20,000 in cash.

    I love that you guys went to a hotel down the street! I told Tyler about it and we agreed that we're too cheap. :) Swimming is the best.

    Wow, Melissa really is on top of things. I thought I was doing well because I bought my dad 2 things and have an idea for one more. :)
