Friday, November 4, 2011

Halloween + Getting to Vegas

Monday morning, Jake joined Lila and I for my follow-up diabetes appointment.  We met with the diabetes counselor/nurse and the dietician.  They gave me ideas about how to better manage my diet because some of my numbers were a little high, but they said it actually looked pretty good for the first week on the diet.  But, if I can't control them better in the next few weeks, they may need to put me on medicine, which I really want to avoid.  So I've been trying a lot harder since then, and so far my numbers have been good.  They ran a lab test to see what my average blood sugar level has been for the past 2 months (pretty cool, huh?) and it was on the low end of normal, so they're pretty confident that this will go away once the baby is born.  Phew.

Jake went back to work, and Lila took a late nap.  She got up shortly before he got home from work.  He came home early, at around 3pm, because I'd asked him to. :)  He only did because he'd be gone for the rest of the week.  So he got to play with Lila and he mopped the kitchen floor, because he's awesome.

Annette Shumway and baby Ruby came over to pass out candy with us.  Lila's first time trick-or-treating went as well as I thought it would go.  We went with the Caldwells but only went to maybe 5-10 houses. Lila was shy and didn't say trick-or-treat, but she did like the candy :)  So we went down one side street and then came back to hand out candy.  Our neighbors told us to buy a lot of candy, so we did (three big bags of it), but for some reason a lot of people skipped our house.  I don't know if it's because the houses are a little farther apart on our side of the street, or if it's because it's longer of a walk to our front door, but we still had like half of our candy left.  It was fun visiting with Annette though.  She's pretty hilarious.  Told us about her 31-year-old single sister who's been living in Utah since graduating high school.  She had some sort of "mid-life" crisis... got a boob job! started being promiscuous, stopped going to church.  But she's since met a good guy and is trying to get her life back in order.  Pretty crazy.  Boob job.  Yikes.

Lila was pretty hyper for a while, from all the candy.  But then crashed pretty well and slept through the night like a good girl!  Jake and I stayed up late packing and visiting.  We had a conversation about whether he should take his backpack or laptop case on the plane.  We decided he should take the backpack... more flexibility and room.  (This is important later on.)

He had to get up at 5 to leave for Chicago at 6.  Kissed him goodbye.  He came back home after leaving because he'd forgotten something.  His coworker John was driving them to Chicago.  And drove to Midway instead of O'Hare.  So they had to race across the city and made it to the airport in time.  Except Jake got stopped in security, because there were bullets in his backpack.  That guy.  He, of course, didn't know they were in there and don't know how they got in there, but they were for his pistol.  Woops!  So they had to call the police, who came in and had to fill out a report, and Jake missed the flight.  His other three co-workers made it, but he didn't.  And he didn't get to Las Vegas until after 1am our time!  He had to wait till like 4pm to get on a flight to Los Angeles, and from there flew to Vegas.  Crazy.  Should've taken the laptop case.

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