Friday, November 4, 2011

Made it to Friday (32w 1d)

We've made it to Friday!  It's been a long week, but it went by faster than I thought it would... which is something I'd prayed for.  Lila's been a good girl for me, thankfully.  We've had some cranky moments, but for the most part she's done really well.  She's gone to bed well and slept pretty well too.  Two nights in a row, she slept through the night, but she's been waking up once per night the past few nights.  Oh well.

I've been trying to keep busy and to get out of the house a lot.  That's the key to survival.

Tuesday morning I went to Giselle Garcia's to take pictures of tamales.  Yup.  Her and Ann Walls have a tamale-making business and they wanted nice pictures to put on a website.  Tuesday afternoon we were supposed to watch Jocelyn Burnham, but she was sick, so Terra didn't bring her over.  I don't remember what we did instead.  Jake spent the whole day at the airport.  The evening was weird and stressful.  After dinner, I packed everything up so we could go to Wal-Mart to check out all the Halloween clearance stuff.  Before we left the house, I checked my diaper bag to make sure I had my wallet, and my wallet wasn't in there.  I did a quick search of the house because Lila was strapped into the carseat already.  Couldn't find it.  Tried to remember the last time I'd used it, and I couldn't remember using it the whole weekend.  I decided to drive to Jake's office to see if it was in his 4-Runner because I'd driven it the day before.  It wasn't in there.  So we headed home in the dark.  Called my parents and asked them to pray that I'd find it, and Emily too.  Jake was in the air, so I couldn't ask him for help, which was a bummer.

Finally, at 9:30 or so, Lila and I were sitting in my bedroom, and I decided to look in Jake's nightstand drawer.  I thought about not looking because he never puts anything in there and that would be such a random place to put it, but there it was!  Woohoo!

Wednesday morning was spent playing outside.  We went for a long walk and I pushed Lila on the swing for a long time too.  After her nap, I was planning on going to Sam's Club and had invited Kate.  But while Lila was napping, Alicia Thompson called to see if I could watch Brig till 6pm because she and Quay were flying out to Idaho because her sister is in the ICU.  Kasey Hunt was going to watch Brig till Derek comes home on Saturday night.  Kate ended up not being able to go to Sam's, so I said sure and asked Alicia if it would be crazy to take Brig to Sam's Club with us.  She said yes.  So since it wasn't too terribly cold out, I took the kids to the park and we spent an hour playing there.  I tried to push Brig like I push Lila on the swing (Lila likes to go high) and he got scared.  They spent a lot of time walking up and down a hill.  And then we went to McDonald's for chicken nuggets and fries.  I felt like Super Mom herding around these two toddlers.  And then we came home to play until Kasey picked him up.

After Kasey got Brig, Lila and I went to Aunt Gina's.  We had a nice visit there.  Went for another long walk.  Aunt Gina's pretty hilarious.  Lila liked walking in all the piles of leaves on the sides of the street. Aunt Gina laid down in them a few times and threw leaves all over herself.  Lila was not impressed, lol.  Lila doesn't like to make messes or get dirty.

Got home and had baths and got ready for bed, and I rocked Lila to sleep unintentionally.  We sat down in her rocking chair to read a book, and she fell asleep looking at it.  Must've been all that good exercise.  I was extremely tired and had a bad headache, so I fell asleep.  I was annoyed with Jake too because he was out on the strip "partying" and in a dinner meeting with a client or something and couldn't talk on the phone before bed.
Yesterday was ok but I was pretty down and emotional.  We had a midwife appointment at 9:45 that we were 5 minutes late for.  It's hard to get to those morning appointments on time with Lila.  It was a pretty quick appointment.  I only gained 1 pound, for a grand total of 132 lbs.  Usually I gain a pound of week, but since I don't eat many sweets anymore (or food that I like) I guess that's slowed the weight gain down.  Lila started crying when I pulled into the parking lot (funny) because she thought it was "skee-wee," but she did fine during the appointment.  The first time she didn't cry when Heather measured me and listened to the heartbeat.  So I actually got to hear my boy's heartbeat loud and clear!  It was nice.  I was measuring 33 weeks, and I'm only 32.  I've gained 37 pounds so far.  I just looked it up, and I had gained 38 pounds so far with my pregnancy with Lila, so I'm still gaining around the same amount of weight.  But I weighed 142, so 10 pounds more.  Yikes.  Hopefully this means I'll lose the weight faster!

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