Friday, November 11, 2011

Cranky Lila, Curtains

Wednesday we had Brig over all day.  It was a nice change and distraction, and the two kids play very well together.  Nap time got a little crazy, but I think both kids slept at the same time for a little while.  I looked up freezer meal recipes -- that'll be my project after the kids' rooms are done.  We're thinking about buying a chest freezer... for freezer meals, frozen fruit, freezer jams, smoothies, easy frozen food.  To make my life a little easier, especially with two kiddies keeping me busy.  Life's kind of crazy this week and next week, and the week after that is Thanksgiving, so hopefully in early December we can find something!

I was toast by the time Jake got home.  Lila's been really cranky, clingy, weepy this week and I'm getting more pregnant and tired every day.  Jake gave Lila a nice bath and I got to take a hot shower by myself.  Lila was really tired and in bed at 9... but... of course... she woke up shortly after and was up till 11 again.  That girl!  I was actually reading through my baby book (my mom gave it to me) a while ago, and she wrote over and over how I didn't go to bed till 11:00.  Funny.  Maybe it's genetic.  We had fun though watching clips from the Conan O'Brien show and laughing a lot.

Yesterday I was pretty tired again, and Lila was very cranky and weepy.  So, the morning was a little rough, but she perked up when Emily got here and took a nice 2+ hour nap.  She woke up happy.  We went to Joann Fabrics to buy fabric to make curtains for Lila's room.  Lila was cranky and wanted me to hold her the whole time, and then she pooped.  We managed to make it out of there in an hour... it stresses me out to make a commit to fabric, lol.  But Emily just made me decide, and I like what we got and think it will work well.  My taste is pretty predictable, but Emily's like, "Well, most normal people are predictable!"  We showed it to Cassandra later that night when Mike was over and they were video chatting; she said, "That reminds me of you, Rudi."

Rushed home to try to make dinner in time for Jake, but it wasn't ready, so he had leftover meat loaf.  We got to spend a little time together... as he was changing into his suit.  Lila was freaking out and crying, and so she nursed for a while, and would giggle while nursing (so funny) when Jake made funny faces at her. Jake is my hero.  We're going on a "staycation" tomorrow.  For a while, we've been talking about going to Detroit or Chicago for a night or two as a family, just to get away and relax and enjoy each other before our lives change dramatically again.  Well, we're just so busy that it'll be hard to get away in the next month... so Jake suggested we just rent a room at a hotel down the road.  So we're going to do it!  It's going to be awesome!  We'll play in the pool, we have a jacuzzi in the room, I get to lay in bed when I want, we'll watch TV and eat snacks, and just have fun together as a family.  I'm pretty excited.  He said that we could save the $100+ and stay at home and try to commit to not do anything (chores, etc), but we both decided that would be really hard.  And I know we won't regret it.  Jake was really soothing, for the 10 minutes that I got to see him.  Love that guy.  I was crying to him about everything and he's just awesome.

It was a long evening.  Lila was up till 10:45.  But we had Auntie Nemmy and Uncle Mike both here for a while, and she loved that.  We Skyped with both my mom and Cassandra.  Emily and I worked on the curtains.  We just used hem tape, so it was easy.  (I don't have a sewing machine.)  Today I'm going to buy a rod and some rings to hang them up this weekend.  I'm excited to do curtains for Jared's room and a crib skirt too--should be pretty easy.  Going to try to wait for more coupons from Joann's though.  I also want to replace the wood blinds in their rooms (and I guess all the blinds in our house) with white ones.  

Mike is doing ok.  Still no wedding date nailed down, still haven't heard back from the First Presidency.

So, Lori and Dan are driving down today.  Lori is buying a 2009 Rav4 from Kalamazoo and is coming to pick it up.  I don't get her sometimes.  She took the day off of work, and I think is planning on driving up to Ironwood again tomorrow.  I don't get how she can make a quick trip for a car, but not to see her kids or grandkids (like when she didn't come to Emily's birthday a few weeks ago).  I just think it's strange... we don't hear very much at all from her.  I would think that when my kids are older and have children of their own, I'll still be involved in their lives (not over-involved).  

Jake got home right as Lila was going to bed, and we stayed up till almost 1am I think, just chatting.  I really love him and miss him.  He's a good guy.  

Lila slept through the night again, hooray!  We had an okay morning.  She's still cranky, so we have to go from thing to thing to keep her happy.  Takes a while to get chores done, she requires a lot of attention right now.  But that's okay.  She's my sweetie.  

1 comment:

  1. I think you'll be amazed at how quickly Lila learns to entertain herself more once Jared comes and you can't do things with her constantly. It's a good thing to learn. Funny about Lori. I would find that a little frustrating, as a daughter-in-law. But I guess you just accept that that's the way they are. And you can print out JoAnn's coupons online, just google 40% off coupon and make sure the date is current.
