Thursday, November 17, 2011

34 weeks

Yesterday I got a phone call from Maternal Fetal medicine.  They want me to start taking a pill to help regulate my blood glucose levels.  Right now I'm just taking half a dose an hour before breakfast.  My levels have been off lately, so maybe this will help.  So last night Lila and I picked up my Rx at Sam's Club for $4. 

I had my 34 week appointment this morning.  I weigh 136.  I told my midwife that they just started me on meds, and she said, "Oh! Well, I was just about to say that if you're able to manage it just with your diet, we wouldn't have to do any extra monitoring."  But I do need extra monitoring now.  She scheduled a growth scan for today at 3pm.  And every week until the baby is born I'll either have two non-stress tests or a Biophysical Profile (an ultrasound) done.  Next week I'll have the ultrasound, because it's Thanksgiving week and it would've been harder to fit in two NSTs.  Jake can't come today, which is a bummer, but he should be able to come next Wednesday.  And, she said that because I'm on meds, they prefer to induce between 38-39 weeks.  We'll find out more about that probably at my next midwife appointment on December 2nd.  At that appointment I'll have my Group B Strep test done and have my cervix checked.  I'll have another growth scan done at 38 weeks to check on his size and to see if he'll be able to be induced.  Crazy stuff!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! You are almost there! Sorry about all the extra stuff thrown in there, but at least you don't have *that* long left of it.
