Friday, November 11, 2011

44 inches (33w 1d)

If I'm induced at 39 weeks, that means I have just 6 to go!

I'm getting really big, and so is the baby.  My tummy is often lopsided because his little bum is poking out on one side or the other.  His kicks are strong and so are his stretches.  He moves a LOT at night.  It's pretty painful when I sit on the floor, my hips hurt a lot and it's hard to get up.  And it's hard to avoid sitting on the floor when you have a toddler.  I have to avoid spicy foods as it gives me heartburn and tummy aches.  I'm not swollen, which is great, but I do feel like my face is chubby.  I'm at that point where I just feel unattractive.  My hair is awful... haven't been doing it lately.  Before I have the baby I'd like to get a pedicure, a hair cut, and my eyebrows waxed.

When we were working on the curtains last night, I measured my waist and I'm 44" around.  Which is funny, considering I'm not quite 60" tall.  Jake thinks I'm really big and wonders if I was this big last time.    I do think Jared will be a big baby too.

I'm starting to lose energy.  When I was pregnant with Lila, I think I really enjoyed it.  But this time around I'm definitely ready to not be pregnant again.  I try to enjoy it, and I try not to complain (I'm pretty good at that), because I really don't have it that bad.  I'm excited to be able to eat what I want, when I want and to not have to poke myself 4 times a day, but things are going well.  I'm sleeping well, which is great.  Just need to be more patient with Lila, which has been hard this week because I've been sick too.

I'm still nervous about having another baby, but I'm guessing that the transition won't be quite as horrible as I'm anticipating.  I think it'll be exhausting and difficult, but we'll adjust and make it through.  It hit me the other day that wow... I'm going to love this baby just as much as I love Lila.  My heart will grow and I will love him too.  Becoming a mom was such a huge emotional experience for me.  Bonding with my baby Lila was incredible and I loved it.  I hope it's the same with Jared.  I hope that I will find myself learning and growing a lot again and feeling so close to God.  I hope that this is a beautiful experience too.

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