Monday, November 21, 2011

More Lila @ 20 months

As Lila was trying to put on our underwear and kind of got them on.  
Me: You did it, sweetie!
Lila: I did it, sweetie!

She loves listening to Primary music.  I have a CD of songs that we listen to in the car.  She knows the order.  After the first song ended, she said, "Temple!" which is the next song.  And after the temple song ended, she said "Heavenly Father!" (A Child's Prayer) and that is the next song.  Twice recently I've seen her holding a hymn book or the program for Stake Conference that had music in it, and she sang "Teach me walk in da light."  She likes that song too now, apparently.  I am so impressed with her.

A few weeks ago we were teaching her the shape triangle, and she said the word once or twice, but we haven't revisited that at all.  Tonight when we were home teaching the Tensmeyers, she was playing a game on their iPad and saw a triangle and said "triangle!" 

Whenever we turn onto our street, I'll tell her, "Lila, we're on our street!"  And so now whenever we turn onto it, she knows and tells me we're on our street.  A lot of times when we leave our house, she'll say, "Bye bye, house."

One of her very favorite things to do is put her blanket over her head or our head, or her feet or our feet, and say, "Where'd Mommy go?" or "Where'd Yiya go?" or "Where toe go?" or "Where'd hand go?"  She loves playing this game.

We have a CD of my dad's band, The Cadillacs.  They do a lot of Beach Boys.  The song Barbara Ann is on the CD, and it's Lila's favorite.  She'll sing, "Bop bop bop Barbara Ann."  So cute.

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