Thursday, November 10, 2011

Painting Lila's Room

Tuesday during the day we didn't do much.  Lila was sick and I wasn't feel well either.  Around the time I started working on dinner, I turned the radio on and was surprised to hear Christmas music!  Lila liked listening and dancing to it, but I think it's too early!  Lila understands some things about Christmas... she says "Christmas" whenever we see decorations at stores, and she says "Santa Claus" and knows that he says "Ho ho ho!"  She had fun, anyway.

The Christmas music kind of reminded me that it's coming!  Jared's official theme song is "All I Want For Christmas is You."  He's my baby, and all I want is him.  And we still have so much to do.  We bought Lila's paint on Friday night, and it wasn't looking like we would be able to drop Lila off anywhere soon... but I asked Jake if he'd be willing to help me that night, and he said yes.  I said even if we could get just one wall of edging done, I'd be happy to at least be doing something.  Well, we got the whole room painted!  It took 4-5 hours, but it didn't feel like that long.  Mike came over to help watch Lila; they video chatted with Cassandra a lot.  That was very helpful and I really appreciate it.  I do like the color we chose a lot (Golden Waffle by Benjamin Moore) and glad we went with that instead of gray.  It's warm and happy and soft.  Lila had to sleep the whole night in our room because we weren't finished with her room when she went to bed, and we wouldn't want her in there while it was drying anyway.  Jake didn't get to bed till almost 1am because he was drilling new holes in Lila's headboard, and he ended up sleeping in the guest room because Lila was hogging the bed.

Feels so good to have that done!  Next is Jared's room, and once his room is done, I will feel REALLY good.  We'll drop Lila off at Alicia's sometime soon.

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