Monday, November 21, 2011

A Date, Stake Conference, Busy Morning

By the time Friday evening came around, Jake and I were both pretty darn tired.  But we'd been planning on going out on a date all week, and we were both looking forward to it.  Friday morning I thought it would be a lot of fun to go to the movies together, because I haven't been to the movies since Avatar came out nearly 2 years ago, and probably won't be going for a long time after the baby is born either.  We've been talking about renting a movie lately too, but haven't been impressed with the movie selection, and don't really have the time either.  But as the day went on, we were both tired, and realized that by the time he got home (he had to wake up at 5am to go to Lansing that day), it'd be kind of late, and he hadn't seen Lila all week.  So we decided to just do dinner instead, which was fine.  We went to Cracker Barrel again because it's right by Alicia's apartment.  I got a delicious BLT salad, it would be so easy to make at home and was so yummy.  And we just talked.  For the first half of the date, we were both hungry and tired, so we didn't say much, lol, and probably looked like we were both going to fall asleep at the table.  But after we got some food in our bellies, the conversation got going and it was a lot of fun.  We both love to spend time together and it's so nice to just talk and catch up when we're both awake!

Saturday was busy.  Jake spent time in the morning working outside.  He has so many things he's working on right now... working on the generator, his snow blower, having to winterize the lawn mower.  Oh, he also mowed the lawn and picked up the rest of the leaves.  Then we ran some errands.  Lila found a pink and white candy cane at Lowe's and happily carried that around the whole store.  Lila took a long nap that afternoon (3 hours) and I think Jake and I might've fallen asleep too.  He had to leave at 3:30 to get to the Priesthood Leadership session of Stake Conference.  Lila didn't wake up till 4:30 and we had to be at church at 6 for dinner.  We spent the adult session in the RS room with the Thompsons, Annette/Ruby Shumway, and the Mills so that our kids could run around.  We've noticed that the Thompsons are pretty strict with Brig... they would like hold him down a lot or discipline him for really little things that Jake and I are totally lax about.  Different parenting styles, I guess.  It's funny though, we gave Brig a hymn book when we were singing a hymn, and he took it and threw it on the grown and started stepping on it.  We gave Lila a hymn book, and she climbed into a chair, opened it, and started singing.  Boys and girls.

Stayed and talked with people for a while.  Mike and Cassandra were there and Mike was all over her, lol.  They told us that Jason (her brother) and Megan eloped last week and that it was still a secret, but he's moved up to Grand Rapids with her.  That night at the Lillroses, Jason found out that Mike told us, and all hell broke lose.  I guess Jake and I aren't very popular with the Lillroses, or at least Jake isn't.  Jason insulted Jake in front of Mike and Cassandra and other members of her family, which I think it totally rude and inappropriate.  It'd be different if he talked to just Mike or just Mike and Cassandra about it, but to do it in front of everyone makes it so awkward for both M & C.  Jason is pretty much paranoid about anyone in our ward (he's in our ward) finding out because then they'll ask if it was in the temple, and it wasn't.  So he's not going to tell anyone!  He's just going to disappear.  Super weird.  He was mad too because Jake is the Stake Clerk and would know if Jason had met with President Witt for a live ordinance recommend (which isn't true, by the way).  Um, if you feel so guilty about not getting married in the temple, you probably shouldn't have done it!  Anyway, just dumb.  Cassandra's family is crazy and they made her feel really bad about it too.  It will be so good for them to get married and start their own lives.  Caught up with Desiree too, a little bit.  Things with them are about the same.  Tyler's not in school, just works and plays video games.  Desiree stresses out about most things (they've already taken Jarom to the ER 2-3 times for nothing).  Kari told me today that they're pretty inactive and often find excuses not to go to church, which is sad.  Desiree was venting to me about Tyler, and then apologized for always unloading on me.  Said she feels bad that it's always her unloading on me and that she never listens, but that I never complain anyway because of my "perfect life."  I don't have a perfect life, but I at least have a husband who does what he's supposed to and is supportive of me and our family.  And that makes most other things wonderful.

Sunday was a long day.  We had to be in Battle Creek at 9 for Stake Conference.  Lila did pretty well, but I sat out in the foyer with her for probably half the session.  It was more comfortable for me anyway, as it gets pretty painful to sit for long periods.  Talked more with Mike and Cassandra afterwards.  They've been getting a lot of congratulations from friends in the Stake.  I left my blood glucose meter there!! and was calling around about it this morning.  And then miraculously, Becca Burkhead called to tell me that someone else had found it underneath my chair, and had seen me sitting there, and gave it to her to give to me.  Really, a miracle.  I would've hated to have to replace it.  Lila slept on the way home and it was her only nap of the day (only 40 minutes).  Jake took her home teaching with him so that I could rest (so nice) and then we went to the Hendrix's for dinner.  Charles Hendrix is in our ward, but his wife and 5 daughters (the oldest is 11, the youngest is 2) are Catholic.  Jake is their home teacher, and last month, got a bunch of guys from church together to finish building a playhouse in their backyard for their girls.  This summer, Charles was back there working on it, and broke his back falling off a ladder.  Michelle, who usually doesn't like having home teachers visit, was so grateful and warmed up to Jake because of it.  Jake asked Derek (EQ President) if Jake and I could be their home teachers (allowable in the church handbook), and that was approved, so we went over there for dinner and stayed for over 2 hours.  Lila had a blast playing with their girls.  They are a really sweet family.  I think they have a very small income, but they live in such a small and sweet home, there's a sweet spirit there. 

Last night Jake and I had a good laugh... I told him that he couldn't wear his favorite pair of church shoes to church anymore because they're really old and scuffed up (he got them right before we got married 6 years ago), but he wouldn't let me throw them away.  I told him that he has other church shoes to wear to church, a black pair and a brownish red pair.  Back when we moved in, we "argued" about whether or not I could get rid of the brown pair, because he never ever wore them.  We agreed that if he wore them one or twice (or a certain amount of times, can't remember) in the next 6 months (maybe it was less than that, can't remember), he could keep them, but if he didn't we could get rid of them.  So, he asked me, "Do we still have the brown pair of shoes?"  And I said, "Hmm... you would know if we had them or not if you ever wore them."  And then he started cracking up, which I rarely am able to make him do.  And we laughed and laughed about it.  We can't remember the agreement we had, but I'm pretty sure he hasn't worn them since we moved into the house.  They're still sitting in the closet.  Pretty funny.

This morning she was up crying from 6-7ish.  Jake gave up trying to fall back asleep and got up at 6:30.  Lila fell back asleep after 7 and slept till 9.  We visit taught Brenda Sesto at 9:30, and it was a nice visit.  I really like my new companion and route.  Lila was ready to go after almost an hour, and put her jacket and shoes on and brought me my jacket and shoes, pretty funny.  After that we headed to Kari's for a playdate.  Came home, had lunch, and she went down for a late-ish nap at around 2.  I'm really looking forward to Wednesday.  Jake is taking it off and we have a few doctor appointments.  Things are going well.  Busy, but trying to rest a lot too.  Planning on taking Lila outside after she gets up because it's so nice out, sunny and 47 degrees... funny that that's considered "warm" now.

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