Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Joann's and Michael's

Wow, I got everything done that I wanted to.  Partly because I'm awesome, and partly because Jake is awesome.  After Lila got up from her nap yesterday we went shopping.  I printed a Joann's coupon online (20% off entire purchase) and went there to get fabric and stretched art canvases.  I checked online to see if they sold them, and it said they did.  I spent probably an hour at the store deciding what fabrics to get.  I ran into Holly and Ella Tensmeyer and then Britany Peterson, both from church--they weren't together.  Funny.  Lila pooped while we were there, of course, so that was a hassle.  And for a while she was really cranky and clingy and whiny.  Probably because she had a poopy diaper (I didn't change it till I was done picking out fabrics).  That Joann's didn't carry any art canvases, lame, so I checked Michael's down the road.  They had them, but I decided to go back later to buy them because they also had a 20% off coupon online, but I had to print one out, they wouldn't just give me the discount (lame).  So it was a lot of running around.  We went next door to World Market to look around.

We had a quick dinner of grilled cheese and tomato soup (Lila loves tomato soup!).  She got it allll over herself, so Jake gave her a bath after dinner.  I went back to Michael's and then to Walmart (had to drive all over town though because of a lame detour at Westnedge) to get everything else I needed to make the decorations.  Got home, put Lila to bed.  She and Jake had fun playing together while I was gone, and I'm glad.  She's such a good girl lately... probably because I'm paying more attention to her instead of cleaning and doing things around the house.  Oh well.

Lately her favorite word is "stuck."  It sounds like 'tuck or duck when she says it though.  She's always "stuck" it seems like, because she says it a lot.  In grocery carts, in her high chair, at the playground, when she can't get off the couch, etc.  She started saying "book" this week (her current favorite book is Lila Pirate, one of the books Jess got her for her birthday) and copies a lot of the sounds/words I tell her.

Jake and I were up late.  He stapled the fabric onto the canvas.  He stretched it so tightly once that it tore, but it all worked out.  Looks great.  We watched SYTYCD in the basement while doing that.

This morning, Jake was gone by the time Lila and I got up.  Lila and I went to the park playgroup.  It was a fun time.  She mostly walks around by herself, up and down little steps and stairs, up little hills.  There weren't any good stairs to climb.  But she managed to get herself "stuck" quite a bit.  It's nice visiting with other moms there too.  It was pretty hot and humid out.

On our way back home, I called Jake and he miraculously answered (a lot of the time he's in meetings).  We were able to stop in for a quick lunch with him.  Lila ate well today, actually.  For the past week or so she hasn't been eating much at all.  She lights up when she sees Jake.  She had fun sitting at the table with us in a regular chair, but then felt "stuck" so she walked around for a while.

When we got home, she went down for a nap.  When she got up, we went to Walmart to pick up pictures I'd printed and then to Meijer for groceries.  She's a fun shopping partner and did well while we were there... ate some snacks, drank some water, held her ball.

We had fried eggs for dinner with English muffins.  Delish and simple.  And didn't require using the stove/oven too much.  It was so hot out today.  Jake hung more pictures and the canvases we made last night.  We Skyped with Mom and Dad.  I took a shower, then we gave Lila a bath and put her to bed.  She's been such a good girl lately.  I love her.

After she went down at 8, we fixed up the guest room, Jake mopped the kitchen floors, we vacuumed, cleaned the kitchen, etc.  We're all ready for Jess and Jason and Audrey to get here.  They won't arrive till around midnight though.  What a long day for them.  I'm so excited to have them here.  I should probably go lay down for a while before they come.

1 comment:

  1. Kids' use of "stuck" does tell us how much they get stuck. Shoes that don't fit, furniture in the way of toys they're moving, being buckled...how cute. I'm glad you got all ready for your friends to come! And you'll have to post pics on fb of the fabric canvases you made...I'm trying to picture them!
