Friday, June 3, 2011

Thursday and Friday

Thursday Lila had another OT appointment, this time with Kristen again.  It went better than last week's.  She likes Kristen better... or at least feels more comfortable with her.  She still cried a lot and wanted mom and dad most of the time, but she made a lot of eye contact with Kristen and was smiling at her towards the end.  Kristen said that she thinks she'll be able to touch Lila (without Lila freaking out) by the end of the month, and that's where we really need to be... because Kristen will need to put her fingers in Lila's mouth and stuff.  Ohhh Lila.  Kristen said that Lila is very "sensory offensive"... has a lot of issues that she'll gradually get over. 

We stopped at home briefly before heading out to run errands.  I picked Emily up and we stopped at Sally's Beauty Supply to pick up hair stuff for Mom and then to the Asian food store for more watermelon seeds for Dad.  Lila slept in the car.  Then we dropped them off at Uncle Larry's because they're heading to Green Bay for Lindsey Trotter's high school graduation party and will see Mom there.  (Can't believe Lindsey's graduated--I remember when she was born!)  We went back to Emily's apartment.  Lila likes it there.  Then Jake called to ask if Lila and I could meet him for lunch, so we did and Lila had a blast.  We went back to Emily's until she had to go to work.  It was nice to spend time with her; she's been working a lot lately and busy.

Went home and relaxed.  Lila took a nap and I made dinner while she slept: Italian pasta salad.  Jake came home early (5:00) so we could eat together before he had his meeting at 6.  I laid in bed a long time with Lila before she fell asleep.  Got up and did some reading online... I found a blog (a friend of a friend of a friend) of a girl who's infertile.  She reminds me a lot of me... and it was really interesting to read and put things into perspective for me.  I've been having a hard time with this pregnancy so far.  Not very excited, pretty nervous, feeling pretty negative about it.  So to read about a woman who wants to be a mother so badly... shifted the way I was thinking.  And then I read on Ben O'Brien's wife's blog that they're pregnant and due on December 14th.  She has bad morning sickness... she wrote: "Nausea and fatigue have ruled the last few weeks, and I can hardly get out of bed or off the couch (partly because I'm too tired to move, partly because I concentrate so hard on not vomiting that I'm afraid I will if I change my position.)" And that her diet consists of "orange juice, ginger ale, cereal, mashed potatoes, oatmeal, grits, chicken noodle soup."  Yikes.  I can pretty much eat whatever I want whenever I want, and am very functional still, even though I feel blah.  That also made me grateful.

I had to go to bed at 11:00... which is pretty late for me.  Jake still wasn't home.  Didn't get home till 11:30 or something crazy like that. 

Today was a lot of fun.  Lila woke up before Jake left, and when we went in there to get her, she was smiling and laughing and so happy.  So cute.  We spent the morning cleaning the kitchen and doing laundry.  At 10:00, Kari (and Hayden), Amber (and Hunter) and Ann (and Lucas) came over for a playdate.  They were here for a few hours.  Amber is 21 weeks prego with a little girl.  Lila had fun chasing the boys around.  They played out in the yard for a while.  I'm the first of my friends to have a house, they all still live in apartments.  I told them all the big news and they're excited for us.  I think Kari has a hard time though... she can't have anymore kids of her own (because of her CF) and is currently just starting the foster parent process.

At 12:30, just as all the others were leaving, Desiree arrived with 7-week-old Jarom.  She stayed till 4:00.  It was nice visiting with her, as always.  Sounds like she's adjusting to motherhood quite well.  She had an awful delivery though.  Was induced and spent 3 days in labor and pushed for 3 hours.  She talked a lot about Tyler and how worried she is.  He... is not an awesome husband.  He has one part-time job that he's not doing well at, not in school, still "working" on his pre-reqs for nursing school, is turning 26 soon, stays up till 6:00 am most nights playing video games and then sleeps till 1 or 2 in the afternoon!!  There's a lot of other stuff too.  I just feel bad for her and don't know how to help.  She's going to end up being the bread-winner of the family.  He came home from work the other day and said, "I think I'd like to be a stay-at-home dad."  What dad says that??  Not most.  They've already been to the movies together 3 times since they had Jarom.  I haven't been to the movies once since Lila was born!!  Tyler "insists" upon it because he wants to make sure they still have married-couple time, so that the baby doesn't "become their world."  They don't have the money to be going out (they almost couldn't make rent this month), and if he did want alone time with Desiree, their time would probably be better spent talking.  Anyway.  Just frustrating and I feel for Desiree.  She's feeling stuck.

Jake got home and we went out in the yard.  I mowed most of the front lawn before getting too hot and tired.  Then we went in for dinner.  We gave Lila a container of butterscotch pudding and she LOVED it.  It was so funny!  First she put her fingers in it and started licking them.  Then she dug in with a spoon.  She was laughing and smiling and so happy, and she got pudding all over the place.  It was so fun for us... to see her acting like that.  We also got her to say "mommy" and "daddy" quite a few times.  Then Jake gave her a bath and she FREAKED OUT.  And then we put her jammies on and played together as a family for an hour or more.  It was sooo nice.  I'm glad that Jake did that instead of heading out to finish mowing.  We had so much fun.  Lila was in a great mood.  We tickled her.  She gave us hugs and kisses.  She laid on the floor and Jake waved a blanket above her and she loved it, just like she did when she was a little baby.  She's been doing a lot better at bedtime this week, falling asleep easier and sleeping longer.  Grateful for that.  She loves giving me kisses before bedtime now.

Jake finished mowing the lawn (mowed till the sun set) and I've been writing on here and IM-ing with my mom.  Hoping for a great weekend :)

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that's so interesting about the OT stuff. Who knew! How long will her therapy go for?

    Tyler likes garage saling, luckily, but he doesn't buy much. Lots of ones, he just looks at it and wants to keep driving. I like to look at every little thing and consider spray painting it a different color. Haha. There are a million garage sales around here, and I almost always find at least one thing at each one. I'm not a junk-collector either. We've been really lucky this year so far.
