Monday, June 6, 2011

Lila @ 14 months

  • Starting Occupational Therapy.  Has sensory problems and oral aversion.  Is on a brushing program. Was scared of therapists at first, but now that we're out in a bigger playroom instead of a smaller "exam" room, she's completely fine.  (It probably reminded her of a doctor's office, and she hates those.)  
  • We have noticed a HUGE improvement with her eating.  She's still nursing, but mostly before nap-time and bed-time.  Her favorite food is mac and cheese, and she's starting to love pudding and pureed baby foods too, which is very exciting for us because she's always hated it.  Up to this point, she has tried the following foods: Cheerios, Teddy Grahams, cream cheese/peanut butter bagels, Goldfish, mac and cheese, Sacrament bread, PB&J, Spaghettios, spaghetti, Ramen noodles, bacon, pudding, pureed sweet potatoes, roasted potatoes, French fries, chicken nuggets, pizza, tortilla chips, Doritos, shredded cheesed, banana pancakes, baked/black beans, green beans, steak, mashed potatoes, ice cream, chocolate bars.
  • She's starting to get messy with food and enjoy it, laughing while eating, putting 4 Cheerios in her mouth at a time.
  • She's taken a few sips of milk and juice and pop, but doesn't care for them a whole lot.  She loves water.  She uses sippy cups with straws and sometimes tries to drink out of regular sippy cups.  She loves drinking out of fast food cups and likes to blow bubbles in them.  She's started to spit out water she drinks playfully.
  • Likes older kids.
  • Words she says: doggie, quack, "bawk bawk", mama, dada, papa, no, mommy, daddy, ball, baby, hi, shoes, door.  She babbles and "talks" a lot.
  • LOVES being outside.  She likes bikes and tricycles.  She loves toys you can push or pull around.  She loves walking around outside; stepping onto the grass and back onto the sidewalk.  Loves the hanging baskets of flowers and pointing at them but doesn't like when I take them down.  Likes playing with the watering can.  Likes playing in the rain and in water outside.  Likes walks in her stroller.  Loves it when neighbors walk by our house with their dogs.  She pets them and lets them kiss her, not afraid at all, even of a HUGE hairy sheep dog.
  • LOVES her pink sandals.  And now she loves all of her shoes.  Stands at closet in morning waiting for them.  Tries putting them on by herself.  She now turns around and sits in my lap and waits for me to put them on.  (She all of a sudden loves sitting in my lap and can back up and sit there on her own.)  She likes shoes in books too.
  • If I ask where her toes are, she knows and points.  She loves when I play "Little Piggies" with her.  She'll take my fingers and put them on her toes when she wants me to.
  • Knows where her nose is and can point to it.  Points to our noses too.
  • Likes brushing our hair and her own hair.  Doesn't mind having her hair brushed, but always pulls bows out immediately and pigtails don't last very long.  She has curly blond hair.
  • Eyes are blue but there's yellow around the pupils.
  • Wearing mostly 3T clothes and size 5 shoes.  Size 5 diapers.
  • At her 13-month (one year) check-up she was 31" tall and somewhere between 28-29 pounds.  Still above the 97th percentile for both.  Her head circumference is also above the 97 percentile.
  • Does well at grocery stores.
  • HATES baths and showers again.  I usually have Jake do them.
  • Can back up and sit down on steps and our laps.  Sits back and relaxes.  Loves to do this.
  • Starting to climb on things: beds, chairs, couches... but needs help usually.
  • Loves bouncing on beds (while sitting down).
  • Likes the little trampoline we got from the Andersons.
  • Definitely has a favorite blanket.  Loves to snuggle with it and carry it around.  Loves playing peek-a-boo with it.
  • Gives hugs when asked and sometimes kisses.
  • Usually cries when I sing lullabies or when some toys play music.
  • She's started liking toys that have flashing lights on them, like her laptop.  Still loves talking into microphones on toys.
  • Loves iPhones and iPads.  
  • Loves watching videos of herself.
  • Loves car keys.
  • Stands by front door and waves when she wants to go out.
  • Likes merry-go-rounds.  Doesn't like swings.  Loves walking up and down hills.
  • Slowly spins in circles until dizzy sometimes.
  • Whiny lately.  Clingy to mom.  Wants to be held a lot.
  • Sometimes doesn't want to sit and eat in high chair, cries, and fights it.  When that happens, she'll usually sit in our laps and eat.
  • Likes books still.
  • Likes to Skype with my parents.
  • Loves Uncle Mike and Aunt Emily.
  • Cries in car if we're driving around bedtime.  During the day she'll often fall asleep if she needs a nap in the car.
  • Loves my glasses and hates that I won't let her play with them.  Loves sunglasses too.
  • Makes it halfway through sacrament before needing to be taken out for a walk.  Loves the water fountain at church.
  • Will "draw" on paper with ink pens but bites crayons.
  • Hates when I'm cooking dinner and wants me to carry her.
  • Plays with my makeup bag when I'm getting ready.
  • Doesn't watch a lot of TV.  Does like Sesame Street and cartoons when they're on.
  • Loves carrying reusable grocery bags around like a purse, with the straps over her shoulder.  So cute and funny.
  • Overall a sweet and funny and happy baby.  Has a huge independent streak.  Will not allow us to feed her or brush her teeth, but she will do those things by herself.  She likes my toothbrush but not hers.  Doesn't like to hold our hands when we're walking.  Likes to do things by herself.  She adores Jake and I though and is very affectionate with us.  Loves to be tickled and kissed and snuggled.  We love having her in our family.

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