Thursday, June 9, 2011

Long Days

I may have slept with Lila during her naptime yesterday.  Can't remember.  When she got up we went to Meijer for some groceries.  I always buy more things than what I intend to go there for. 

We had chicken quesadillas for dinner.  I was pretty exhausted by the time Jake got home.  Lila was a pill from about 4:30 till bedtime.  I wish those teeth would just cut through already.  So she whined and cried a lot and it was really bothering me.  We tried putting her to bed at 8:00, but since she took such a long nap, she wasn't ready yet, so we let her run around in the basement till 9.  Watched Minute to Win It on TV and SYTYCD on Hula at the same time. 

I went to bed shortly after Lila did.  I was crabby and exhausted and felt awful.  I was grumpy with Jake, for no reason really.  He's been really busy with work and stressed out about it too.  He's been working a lot at home this week.  It was one of those too-tired nights where I was not okay mentally/emotionally.  Just needed to get to bed.

I got semi-decent sleep.  Didn't get up till 7:40, which is a treat.  Got to spend 10 minutes with Jake before he left for work.  Lila slept till 8.  She had a decent morning and afternoon.  Very little crying and whining.  While I was cleaning the kitchen, she was sitting on the counter and stood up to play with the cupboard.  While standing, she started farting really loudly, and every time she would, she would smile at me and laugh.  Hehe.  She finally had a big poop.  She poops about every other day now.  It's actually solid, stinky poop now instead of the runny, baby stuff it was for the first year of her life, now that she's actually eating food.

She thinks it's funny now (sometimes, at least) when I put my sunglasses on her.  She'll actually keep them there for a while and smile and laugh at herself.  She's starting to copy the words/sounds that I make a lot.  She was saying "peas" the other day... shoes sounds like "shees," Hi, Bye, Puppy, Poppy.  "Mommy" is her new favorite word.  She calls me mommy, but whenever she wants something she sees, she says "mommy!" until I get it for her.  It's really cute too, she pronounces it correctly.  Love it.

I took a shower and Lila tried climbing in, so I let her in while I showered.  When I was done, I filled up the tub and she splashed around for a while.  Had fun.  Yay.  Got done.  Made her mac and cheese for lunch.  She gets excited and says "mommy" just seeing the box.  She didn't eat a lot, but that's okay.  Laid her down at noon and when I went into the kitchen after she was asleep, Jake was there!  Came home for a quick lunch, which was nice.  I miss him a lot lately.  We talked about Emily moving in here and agreed that the best option would definitely be for her to move to Battle Creek.  I was worried about talking to her about it because when she gets something in her mind, it's almost impossible to change.  So Jake and I just talked about different points we should make to her, etc. 

She came over while Jake was still here for lunch.  She stayed till she had to go to work at 3.  We talked about her moving to Battle Creek and it actually went well.  She's nervous about it, but I pointed out that we don't even see each other a lot during the week as it is... maybe once or twice a week, tops.  If she gets lonely or bored, she can always drive over here once a week and I can take Lila to visit her too.  She'll make friends in the program.  Driving in the winter would be difficult and dangerous.  It's cheaper to live in Battle Creek (less gas money, tuition).  She can still come and stay with us on the weekends if she'd like.  Anyway, she was really open to it, so hopefully we can find her a decent place to live.  Shane comes home a week from today.  She's really excited/anxious.

Lila had fun while Emily was here.  We were hanging out in the guest rooms and Lila had fun climbing onto the beds (they're not on frames, they're on the ground) and bouncing around and hiding under the blankets.

When Emily left, Lila climbed into her umbrella stroller (that she already looks too big for) and relaxed.  Pretty funny.  I gave her some Teddy Grahams and she ate a few.  Then we headed out to run errands.  I stopped at Goodwill to drop off a bunch of stuff, only to realize that I'd forgotten the donation bag at home.  Woops.  Then went to Kohl's to make a return.  Then to Marshall's to find some decorations for the house... found a big, oval mirrors for $10, a big basket for Lila's toys for the front room for $13, a picture frame, and a shirt for Lila.  Lila had fun making friends with other babies her age at the store.  Met a little girl named Haley who was born a few weeks before Lila but she's not walking yet.  Ran into Kasey Hunt's friend Kelly and her daughter Evelyn, who's just a few days younger than Lila.

Got home a little before 5:00.  Jake got home at 5:15 or 5:20, had a quick dinner, and then headed off to his meeting.  Lila said, "Bye Dad!"  We Skyped with my parents for a while.  Lila was really cute and kept saying "Papa!  Poppy!"  But then she got super tired and cranky and was in bed by 6:30.

I'll probably head to bed soon.

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