Sunday, June 5, 2011

Saturday and Sunday

Yesterday morning at 11:00 I had Alicia Thompson's baby shower.  I was pretty excited to go and get away, have some girl time.  Before I left, I put Lila down for a nap, but Jake said she woke up at 11:20 so it wasn't a very long one at all.  It was a beautiful, sunshiney day.  Pretty hot out.  I took backroads to get there... I had the windows down and the radio loud it just felt like so much fun.  I felt like a teenager again :)

The shower was at Sharon Hunt's house, in her backyard.  She has a GORGEOUS backyard.  It was on the patio, and there are big rolling hills and a brook nearby and lots of trees.  It was awesome.  Good food and good company too.  It was like an "old" 1st ward reunion.  Alicia's having a girl, so she got tons of adorable things and it was a lot of fun for her, especially because she had a boy the first time.  I spent a few hours there.  Talked with Jessica Wesel a while.  Her son Jarom is a month older than Lila (he was there at the shower) and is going through a whiny phase too... she talked about how from like 14 months to 18 months, kids just have a hard time (at least in her experience).  And how it's just a phase.  It was good to hear that, because Lila's been crazy lately and I don't know how to handle it all the time.  I'm so grateful to have good friends in the ward and feel comfortable with them.

Headed home.  Jake and Lila had spent a lot of time "playing" in the garage.  Jake was putting things away and Lila was exploring.  Had some lunch.  Lila went down for a nap.  While Lila was napping, we started watching the movie Country Strong and it was so stupid.  When she got up we went to Culver's for dinner (craving) and then to Meijer for groceries.  Got home and gave Lila a jar of pureed sweet potatoes and she LOVED it.  She made a huge mess and was laughing and trying to eat it with a spoon.  I don't know how much she actually got into her tummy, but she sure had fun, and our OT wants us to let her get messy and play with foods like that, so that's great.  She's making great progress!

We Skyped with my parents a bit and Mike stopped by for a bit.  He was taking Cassandra out for dinner.  Lila went to sleep well.  We headed to the basement and finished Country Strong and it was even more stupid than ever.  I worked on Primary stuff during the movie.  By the time we headed to bed at 11:00 I was SOOO TIRED.

Church today was okay.  Lila did great during Sacrament Meeting.  She usually makes it till a little bit after the sacrament is passed before needing to be taken out.  She sat and sang with us while holding the hymn book, which was SO cute.  She ate a lot of snacks too... Cheerios and Teddy Grahams.  At one point she was shoving 4 Cheerios in her mouth at a time, which is something she's never done before... she's always just put only one thing at a time in her mouth and slowly sucks it till it dissolves.  Looks like she's getting the chewing thing down though.  I'm so excited.  So then Jake took her out to the hall.  Primary was kind of crazy.  Holly and I were the only leaders there.  Our new nursery leaders weren't there, so Jake and I filled in and took Lila.  Lila had a blast.  Only 3 1/2 more months till she can go!  She did get nervous whenever I'd leave the room, but that's okay.  I had to run around and hand out Primary sign-up sheets and miscellaneous things to the auxiliaries but it went better than I thought it would.  Met a new family that just moved into the ward after church, nice people.  Four kids.

After church we drove out to D Ave and 6th to check out some riding lawn mowers for sale.  Lila fell asleep in the car so I sat in there with her while Jake looked at them.  Mike texted to say that Cassandra had gone to Sacrament meeting with him in Battle Creek... so of course that's the one week that Kalina decides to go to church!!  So they were both there!  He said it was definitely awkward.  Yikes.

Then we headed to the nursing home.  I was sooo hungry and not feeling well as a result, but we only stayed for a short time.  Came home, had a yummy lunch.  Lila ate more sweet potatoes and mac and cheese.  I laid down and took a short nap while Jake played with Lila.  We tried getting Lila to take another nap, but it was a no go.  Made a yummy dinner.  Jake grilled steak (YUM) and I made mashed potatoes, sauteed mushrooms and onions, and green beans.  Lila enjoyed dinner.  She mostly ate mashed potatoes, but tried steak and beans too!  Good girl!  She screamed and cried through her bath.  Then she took my toothbrush and actually did a pretty good job brushing her teeth with it.  Figures that she would like a grown-up toothbrush (she likes using grown-up silverware).  What a girl.

She was asleep by 6:50.  Jake and I cleaned up the kitchen.  Now we're eating ice cream and listening to a general conference talk.

*Lila woke up at 7:30 because she'd pooped.  She hadn't pooped in 2 days.  She's back to bed.

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