Thursday, June 16, 2011

This week

Highlights of Sunday:

We went home from church an hour early because we were going to the 2nd ward later in the day for Jarom Neil's baby blessing.  I wanted Lila to take a nap.  She fell asleep on the way home and slept for a while.  It was nice going to the 2nd ward and seeing all of our "old" friends from the ward.  It looks like a really fun ward.  The blessing was nice.  We left afterwards.

Later in the day, we went to a BBQ that the Neils were having at Milham Park.  It was pretty chilly out... 60's with a breeze.  I was freezing, anyway, until Jake was so awesome and let me wear his sweatshirt.  The food was good.  Lila liked the baked beans, chocolate cake, and cookies.  I liked everything and ate a ton.  The Johnsons were there and I always love visiting with them.  Christy told the Johnsons that we're expecting (surprise, surprise), so they know and congratulated us.  Ben, Ann, and Luke came and then the VanZantens.  Lila had a blast there... walking around, playing with the other kids, playing with Daddy.

The rest of the week has been okay.  We finished painting.  On Monday, Emily came up with the brilliant idea to paint the hallway/entryway adjacent to the kitchen.  I had actually thought of doing it too because we had so much paint leftover.  I asked Jake about it while he was at work, and he said okay.  Well, he got home and he hated it.  Still does.  We'll probably eventually paint it whatever we paint the kitchen.  Oh well.  Emily spent Monday with me because she didn't work.  We painted a lot; Lila took a few good naps.  We also went to Culver's and KVCC to get her transcripts sent over to KCC.  Stopped quickly at Jake's work to say hi.

Yesterday I went to Target in the morning with Lila.  Picked up stuff for the house, including new curtains for the kitchen.  Lila did well the first half of the time.  But then I let her out of the cart, and since she was at Target and could stand up, she filled her diaper with the nastiest poop yet.  From there, it all went downhill.  She wouldn't walk around and wouldn't sit in the cart and cried unless I was carrying her.  She's heavy.  So we checked out and left.  We both took naps later in the afternoon; I couldn't keep my eyes open.

Tuesday morning I went to the playgroup at Oshtemo Park.  Kari and Hayden were there, along with a few other ladies from church.  Told them all that we're expecting.  One of them who had a baby 6 months ago said that it's not fair because she looks more pregnant than I do, lol.

We've been making plans with Jess and Jason.  They'll get here sometime on Tuesday the 21st and will leave on Friday morning.  I'm SOO excited.  Jake will take Wednesday and Thursday off.  It's already been a year since we've seen them.  Yay.  Can't wait to meet Audrey.

Lila's been okay this week, but still cranky because of teething and not eating as much.  I wish those darn teeth would just cut through.  Hasn't been eating as much as she usually does, but tried bratwurst and Raisin Bran (she likes the flakes) and has been loving baked beans.  She's learning so much.  She can say "stuck" now when she's stuck and "done" when she's done eating (usually she just repeats it if I say it to her).  Seems like she tries to say "blanket" or "bed" when she's tired.  She still loves Brody and Toby next door and often stands at the window calling out for them (they're at daycare all day).  We invited Terri to come to church with us because she started talking about wanting/needing a "church family" one night this week.  She loves giving hugs.  Yesterday she and Jake played outside for a while after dinner and when I went out there, she saw me, her face lit up, and she ran over to me to give me a hug.  It was awesome :)

This morning we had OT.  Jake wasn't able to go because he's going to come to my midwife appointment later.  Lila played around just fine.  She was really tired though, so Kristen didn't want to push any food on her.  But, Kristen did get into Lila's mouth today... "massaged" her gums a few times.  Lila got a little upset, but she didn't cry, just came to give me a quick hug, and then continued walking around and playing.  Kristen was really pleased that she was able to do that.  She'd like to get to the point where Lila is sitting in a high chair, playing with/eating food, and she can do oral therapy/massage on her too.  I think it'll take a while :) but it's good to know that she'll probably get to that point.  She wants Jake to start doing oral massage on her and thinks that will really help Lila be comfortable with more foods.

Lila went down for a nap at 11.  I'm really excited for our appointment later at 3:00.  I'm 12 weeks along today.

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