Friday, June 3, 2011

Tuesday - Wednesday

Tuesday.  It was Mike's 26th birthday.  He'd asked me to make him a (confetti) cake because he and Cassandra were going to Silver Lake Sand Dunes for the day and she wouldn't be able to make anything.  (She was going to make a pie anyway, because she doesn't like cake.  Which Mike thinks is funny because making cakes was like the only thing Kalina loved to do.)  So, Lila and I set out early to Walmart to pick up things for cake and meals for the week.  It was good to get out in the morning (we usually run errands in the afternoon) and it was a beautiful sunny day.  When we got to Walmart I realized I didn't have my wallet with me, but thankfully Jake had given me cash the week before and I'd stuck it in a pocket in my diaper bag.

Got home and had lunch.  Lila went down for a long nap (2 1/2 hours, long for her) and I made cake and read during that time, and laid down for a while and almost fell asleep just as she was getting up.  Jake called and wanted to drive to Gun Lake to buy an extension cord from Craigslist.  (He's been obsessed with extension cords since we moved into the house.)  It was 35 minutes away, and it's always risky taking Lila on trips during dinnertime, but we decided to go anyway.  Lila did great.  It wasn't a long trip at all.  Pretty scenery too.  On the way home we stopped at McDonald's for dinner and Lila had fun because we were sitting next to a family with 3 little girls.  Lila ate some fries and some nugget too.

Mike didn't end up coming over that night because he broke the Jeep at the dunes.  Took it through water that was too deep.  Funny, but also sad.  For the second night in a row, we had to go to bed early because I was too tired to do anything.  Got ready for bed at 9:30.

Yesterday morning I watched Brig Thompson from 9:30-11:40.  It was nice for Lila to have a playmate.  He was perfectly well-behaved, didn't cry or fuss or whine once.  Lila is so whiney lately.  It was an interesting contrast.  Brig is 3 months older than Lila, but about the same height and probably 5-7 pounds lighter.  He was climbing onto the barstools and Lila was so intrigued and tried to do it too, but couldn't.  By the time he left, I was ready for him to be gone :)  Lila needed a nap and was a handful.  Having two kids will be so interesting...   Jake came home for lunch and was good company.  We had pizza.  Lila fell asleep while he was here.  When she got up, she was cranky.  Surprise.  So I took her to the basement to relax a while.  She nursed for a bit while I rocked her in her chair and it was a really nice moment.  She was perfectly content and would just lay in my lap and let me rock her and kiss her and tickle her.  I always seem to cherish her "happy" moments lately because she's been so whiney.  I don't understand what the deal is with her.

After that I fed her some early dinner.  I made spaghettio's for her for the first time and she liked them.  She generally likes pasta.  I also gave her some ice cream and she really liked that and wanted it too.  (It was originally my bowl of ice cream, but when she saw me eating it, she pointed at it and grunted like she wanted it.)  Then I made BLT's for dinner.  Was able to eat mine quickly after Jake came home and headed to the church for a Primary meeting at 6:30.

It was sooo nice to get away for a few hours, even if it was to go to a relatively boring meeting.  I haven't been out without Lila in... a really long time.  I really need to do that more often.  It was our first meeting as a new presidency and since our ward was reorganized.  I think we'll all work together well.  We have SO many families moving out of our ward in the next few months.... our primary is going to be so tiny.  Found out that Holly is due on November 2nd and finds out next week what she's having.  I didn't tell them that I'm expecting... but that's okay.

When I got home, Lila was ready for bed and went to bed easily.  Jake and I cleaned up the kitchen together and chatted, it was really peaceful.  Mike came over by himself for birthday cake.  Cassandra didn't want to come because the Lillroses had company (the creepy people she and Mike just visited a few weekends ago).  So Mike filled us in on the latest.  He's worried because Cassandra is pretty set on homeschooling their kids, and Mike doesn't want his kids to be homeschooled.  They haven't really talked about it yet.

Jake was so tired last night, but surprisingly I wasn't.  I'd napped with Lila for a bit.  But by the time we finally made it to bed at 11, I was tired.

1 comment:

  1. Funny that Mike asked you to make him a b-day cake.

    An hour of driving for an extension cord? That must have been one good deal.

    Girls are more whiny than boys. It's just a fact of life. Don't take it personally. :)

    Homeschooling vs. not is a huge conversation. Maybe they could each pick a book about it and read each other's point of view. Not a deal breaker, though, I wouldn't think.
