Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Moments with Lila

Lila has been awesome lately.  Yesterday I was playing in the driveway with her.  She was sitting on her little tricycle and had pushed herself onto the grass and was "tuck."  She was pointing over at Toby and Brody's yard and I was explaining to her that they weren't home.  She was talking to me, not saying real words of course, but she was trying so hard to tell me that she wanted to go over there.  There was a moment when she was babbling and her eyes were so expressive and she looked right at me, and it hit me, This kid is my daughter!  She is trying to talk to me!  Sometimes I forget that she's actually mine. Maybe it's because she doesn't look like me at all, but sometimes there are moments where it's undeniable.  Looking forward to watching her learn and grow all my life.

Then last night she woke up crying an hour after we put her to bed.  Her teeth were hurting her.  She didn't want to go back to bed, so Jake and I took her to the basement with us to finish watching Harry Potter.  Most of the time, she just sat in Jake's lap, sleepy.  Before we headed back upstairs to go to bed, she was sitting there and I was just amazed that Jake and I created this little person, that she never existed before we made her.  That her chubby cheeks and her little fingers are from me and him.

Yesterday morning she and I took a shower.  I can't ever take a shower by myself now (unless Jake's home), she's always climbing in with me.  After we got out and were both wrapped in our towels, we danced around my bedroom to the music on the radio.  She was happy and laughing.  And then we sat down and looked into the mirror for a while, and she just let me hold her, and I was so happy.  I love my girl.

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