Monday, June 20, 2011

Father's Day Weekend

Friday was a good day, for the most part.  Em came over in the morning.  We played with Lila outside.  I fell asleep on the couch (again) while Lila was napping.  We went to the mall, which was a lot of fun.  I got my haircut at Master Cuts for $17 (decided I'm not going to pay $40 for a haircut anymore!) and Em and I got our eyebrows waxed.  Emily got a new swimsuit at JC Penney.  Lila had fun playing in the clothing racks, like most kids do I guess, and pooped a big one while we were there.

After Lila went to bed, Jake and I watched True Grit and then looked at baby pictures of Lila and laughed about how funny and adorable she was/is.  We love that girl.  Shane got home from his mission Friday night and called Emily at 11pm after he was released. :)

Saturday morning, Jake got a haircut at Great Clips (his barber is out of town till July 2nd), stopped at Menards, and then went grocery shopping at Meijer.  Lila took a nap at home.  I mowed the whole lawn.  It was hot out and I was exhausted for the rest of the day after that.  Jake took Lila outside to play with Brody and Toby.  He set up the sprinkler in the front yard and Lila loved it!  Had a lot of fun.

Lila was cranky that night and cried a lot before bedtime; she's still teething.  We all took showers/baths before bed and Jake and I went to bed at 9:30!  We were both really tired.

I made Jake breakfast for Father's day.  This is what he requested: two packages of peaches-and-cream instant oatmeal the way I make it with blueberries in it and two pieces of lightly toasted cinnamon toast.  Church went well.  Talked to Shane.  He and Emily went on a "date" on Saturday night after she got out of work... he and his mom also went to Panera for lunch and they had lunch together there.  Em said it wasn't as awkward as she thought it would be, but it was still weird... RMs are weird, so that's to be expected. :)  I think they'll have a fun summer together.

Primary went well too.  I think it was the first time since the ward was reorganized that all 4 presidency members were there.  Lila and Jake sat in the back during Jr. sharing time and Lila liked dancing to the songs and "flirting" with one of the 6-year-old boys.  She has a thing for older boys... uh oh :)

Lila took a nap in the car on the way home and slept in the garage for a while.  We grilled steak and onions and had mashed potatoes and canned green beans (something I'm craving) for lunch for Father's Day.  Jake's 2nd one already.  All he wanted was a massage from me.  Also a riding lawn mower, but we still haven't been able to find a good one on Craigslist.

Emily came over.  She told us about her date.  Jake hung pictures on the wall for me.  We did some cleaning and rearranging.  It was SO hot out, but we're still determined to not use our a/c very much.  So Jake took Lila outside to play with Brody and Toby for a while.  Emily and I laid in the basement where it was so nice and cool.  She took a nap down there while we got Lila ready for bed.  It was another night of crying for Lila... poor girl and poor Mommy and Daddy.

She finally got to bed after 9 and then I gave Jake his massage and we went to bed at 10, exhausted.

Now I have lots to do to get ready for Jess and Jason.  They won't get here till late Tuesday night.  There's a lot of decorating I'd like to do... but I probably won't be able to get to it before they come.  I'll be lucky if I can have the place clean and the fridge stocked before they're here :)  Plus there's a pool party tomorrow afternoon at Kasey Hunt's that I'm going to.  Anyway... should be a great week!!

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