Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Saturday: Detroit Temple

On Saturday we went to the Detroit temple.  On Thursday, Sarah Cook posted on Facebook that they would swap babysitting duty on the temple on Saturday, so we agreed to do it.  But then on Friday we invited Emily and Shane to come along (so that Shane could do a session and Emily could watch Lila), so we told the Cooks they didn't have to come early but we'd still watch their 5 kids.  Jake and I were pretty tired, especially from having gone to bed late all week with Jess and Jason.  We got up at 6 and were on the road at 7:30.  It only took us 2 hours to get there, which was pretty good.

We did the 10:00 session.  Jake sat next to Mike Waters from Petoskey, his former branch president.  Pretty cool.  The whole session I just thought about Lila and how much I missed her :)  I do love being a mom and I love my girl.  I was happy to get to her afterwards.  We didn't spend much time in the Celestial room because we needed to grab a quick lunch before we had to watch the Cooks' kids.

Their kids were really well behaved and sweet.  Three older daughters and 2 sons, the youngest is 10 months old and eats way better than Lila does, which isn't surprising I guess. :)  We let them all run around in the little field by the temple and stake center.  Lila had a lot of fun, she loves older kids.  And then they wanted to go inside and ran around the gym and played on the stage.  The Cooks weren't gone very long at all, they attended a wedding there, so were gone less than an hour.

I was tired and didn't feel very good.  The ride home went well.  We weren't very talkative at all, mostly listened to music and I think I fell asleep for a little.  We stopped to get gas and Jake and I got some ice cream treats from the station.  I'm craving things like jolly ranchers lately, fruity things, so I got a jolly rancher flavored push-up and that was yummy.  Got home at 5:00.

Our evenings are pretty simple lately.  Can't do much anymore.  When Lila was younger we'd be able to go grocery shopping or go out and do something as a family, but she's usually getting ready for bed at around 7:00 now, so we just stick at home.  We have dinner and Lila eats too now, not a ton of food, but she'll sit in her high chair for a good 20 minutes and try to eat, so that's nice.  And then I usually clean up the kitchen while Jake gives her a bath, and then we play a little bit as a family, and Lila goes to bed.  It's a nice routine.  Lila is really cute before bed, usually.  Until she gets tired and wants to go to bed, then it's all business.  She likes climbing on us and reading books and cuddling.  Very fun, all playing in the living room on the floor together.  I love our family and I imagine that it'll only get more fun as the children get older and there are more of them to play with.

On Saturday I stayed up later than I'd wanted to helping Jake figure out a new seating arrangement for his work.  He is going to be officially promoted on Wednesday (tomorrow!) and will get Mary's old office (Mary was in sales but just got a job with a different company).  He is very excited about this promotion.  He'll be the Production Director, or Director of Production, something like that.  And basically everyone there will report to him.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you had such a nice time with Jess. It's nice when good friendships are still good friendships years and situations later! Mike...I'm glad he has you to give him advice, because it sort of seems that his instincts are too be too demanding. I understand where that comes from, but he may have already chased her off if not for your tempering influence. :)

    Yeah, once your kids go to bed at a normal time, going places after dinner gets risky. :) I just posted about our disastrous night out a few days ago. Sometimes we have to get to the store or something, but mostly, it's just bedtime.
