Monday, January 31, 2011

Keeping Busy

Desiree came over to visit on Wednesday afternoon.  I haven't seen her in months, so it was good to catch up.  She's due April 20.  Definitely less energy and pep than she used to have.  It's funny seeing my friends pregnant.  I think she's due around the same time as Annette, but Annette has way more energy so far.  Desiree is having a boy, they're naming him Jarom.  Because Tyler really, really wants to.  So we visited at my place for a while and then headed down the hall to Amber's.  Kari (and Hayden/Chloe) and Ann (Lucas) showed up too, so Lila got to play with the kids for a little while.  She followed them into Hunter's room to watch them jump on his bed.  And when I took her back into the living room to play with Lucas (he's a year old), she turned right around and crawled back to Hunter's room so she could watch them.

Got home and Lila took a nap.  When she got up, we bundled up and Jake picked us up to look at houses.  We saw two in the neighborhood we used to live in at Foxwood.  One of those houses was too small, but another was really cute and nice, but Jake thinks it's still pretty small.  We also saw one on North Westnedge that has 3 acres of land and 5 bedrooms--lots of space--but it's pretty weird.  Has a VERY nice kitchen (like, it belongs in a $400k house) but the rest of the house needs updating and the ceilings are bad.  So, probably not.  Anyway, it was fun to just look.

Thursday, I think Lila and I stayed home all day.  I made meatballs for dinner, that was yummy.  Jake was supposed to go hometeaching, but got confused about what family he was supposed to visit, so ended up missing that appointment. :)  At 7, I headed over to Holly's to work on Articles of Faith stuff for the primary kids with Rachel and Melissa.  We worked for 3 hours and got a lot done.  It was nice to have some unstructured time to just sit and visit and get to know each other better.  Melissa told the story of her triplets, how she's lost 150+ pounds in the past year, how she met her husband.  Rachel told us how her oldest son Jordan's heart is on the right side of his body and facing the opposite direction than is normal and how she met Abe.  It was a good time and fun for me to get out.  Lila cried a lot of the time I was gone, saying "Mom!" but her and Jake had a good time dancing to music too.  It was almost an hour past her bedtime by the time she got to bed.  She was so happy to see me when I got back.  I walk in and Jake says, "I didn't get a lot done while you were gone..." which is what I say to him some days, and it was funny because he gets what I mean now.  Lila was super clingy that day and wanted to be held; would cry tears if we put her down.  I think it's good for Jake to have some one-on-one time with her.  After she went to bed, Jake and I visited a while and I shared some stories I'd heard at the "girls night."

On Friday, I got my haircut for the first time since August!  YEAH, it was about time.  I've been talking about getting it done for a while, but Jake kept saying that he loved my hair long, especially when I curled it, like I used to when we were dating and first married.  I told him it was just not going to happen, because who has time to curl their hair all the time with a baby running around?  So finally did it.  Emily came with me--she's awesome.  It's short and cute and I love it.  Took Jake a little while to get used to it, but he likes it too. :)  We had leftovers for dinner.  Jake got home a little late from work, maybe around 6:30 or close to 7.  We went to Culver's for dessert (date night) and to Walmart to pick up some things.  After Lila went to bed, I think Mike might have stopped by for a while to visit and then he left and Jake and I were up late watching the movie Salt.  Good movie!

Saturday, we hung out at home all morning.  Stopped by the stake center for a little while to do some clerk work, and then saw 4 houses.  We really liked two of them, both have a similar two-story layout.  But we'll keep looking at more houses.  All in all, it was a much more productive showing than the first few ones.  Jake found the neighborhood/area he'd prefer to live in.  Lila fell asleep in the car halfway through.  When she woke up we finished and went to Walmart to pick up some groceries.  We took showers and Lila went to bed at 8:30, earlier than normal.  So I got to read for a few hours before bed and we went to bed earlier than normal, for a Saturday night.

Sunday was good.  Woke up at 8:30.  Finished making stew and put it in the slow-cooker.  We left at 9:30 for Battle Creek's ward conference.  Sat with Mike and met the Zirkels, his new friends.  They have a baby girl close to Lila's age, Remi.  It was a long day at church, but it was good.  Much better than going to church with Lila by myself and then sitting at home alone for 4 hours after.  The talks were all about marriage and families.  They talked about Lund in the second half of conference.  Mike took Lila around the church so Jake and I could listen and relax together.  After church, I sat in the mother's room with Lila for over an hour. Visited with some other moms and when we had the room to ourselves, Lila ate and fell asleep and I read my book.  Jake brought me food--cookies and ice cream. :)  Then he had to train the clerks there for quite some time, maybe close to two hours.  So I sat in the foyer and visited with Gena Peterson and other ladies who walked by, and a recently returned missionary that wants to go on a date with Emily.  Got home.  Lila took another nap and we almost fell asleep.  But we ate dinner while she slept and then Jake went to visit his hospice people.  Got home, we had milkshakes (yum), put Lila to bed.  I made her fall asleep without nursing.  She fussed for 20-25 minutes and then fell asleep... slept well last night.  If I get up in the night to use the bathroom, she usually wakes up and crawls over to the middle of the bed by Jake and then will sleep there the rest of the night, between us.  It's pretty hilarious.  We were up late last night.  Jake worked and I finished my book (The Red Tent).  Mike called and told Jake about his night.  I studied the scriptures a little bit.

Overall, great weekend.  I love my family.  I love Lila so much.  Really.  Her sweet face is the best part of my day, every day.  I love sleeping next to her every night, having that chubby face and her sweet breath right next to me.  I love my husband.  He is so good and warm.  That's what's getting me through this winter :) his warm body.  Speaking of...warm bodies and husbands... I guess... I really liked that book, The Red Tent.  Beautiful story.  And filled me with all kinds of desires to have a dozen babies and nurse them for years and bake fresh bread and lead them through life and tell all my stories to my daughters.

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, house hunting! I hate it while it's going on, because it's frustrating if you don't find anything, but at this point, I can't wait to do it again! Especially because next time, it'll be in the area, so not as dramatic or time-sensitive.

    Amazing how a few hours alone with Lila opens up Jake's eyes to what your days are like, hey?

    Post a picture of your haircut, here or on FB! Good point about why we don't have long hair...Tyler always says he likes mine long, too, but if it's long, it's in a ponytail.
