Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Library, My Daughter

On Tuesday I picked Emily up and we went to the library.  Got a few books for me and a few for Lila that are adorable.  I love children's books and I'm so excited for her to get older so we can take lots of trips to the library and read all the time together.  She mostly likes to suck on and tear up books right now.  Though we can usually read through a few in a sitting now.  She especially likes her Goodnight, Sweet Butterflies book.

So that was a nice way to get out of the house.  Spent a lot of time trying to put Lila down for a nap in the afternoon.

Jake came home, we had a quick dinner of leftovers together.  He got to spend a little time playing with Lila, and then he took Emily to get her car and then went to the stake center for his meeting.  Em, Lila, and I Skyped with my parents for a while.

It took Lila a half hour to fall asleep.  I laid with her during that time.  It was hilarious.  She nursed for a little while and then rested her head on me and did a whole bunch of weird yoga poses, sticking her butt up in the air, etc.  She finally rested her head on my chest, snuggled so very close to me--like I snuggle with Jake before bed--and fell asleep.  It was... wonderful.  Just a wonderfully beautiful mommy-daughter moment.  I laid there and tried wrapping my mind around the fact that she is my daughter... that little body, that little girl, who breathes and crawls and plays and laughs and smiles outside of my body now, is my flesh-and-blood daughter.  It was a cool moment for me and I just loved having her snuggle by me.

I remember when I was little, my parents would have me try to take naps with them, and I remember resting my head on my mom's chest and listening to her heart beat and trying to match my breathing with hers.  And I would always twist my dad's hair around my fingers to relax and I'd fall asleep doing that.  I remember the night my sister was born (even though I was only 2 1/2).  I spent the night at Aunt Rose and Uncle Steve's and slept between them in bed.  I woke up in the middle of the night and I was twirling Uncle Steve's hair and I was so embarrassed.

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