Tuesday, January 4, 2011

First Day

I got up with Jake when he left for work.  His first day at a new job!  I took a picture of him before he left.  Like it was his first day of school.  I have one of him on his first day at Stryker too. :)  He had a good day.  Busy learning about his new job and orientation type things.  He's going to try to really focus on being more of a "people person."  One of his goals for the year and for this new job.  Especially because he wants to do more than just project management--he wants to do business management eventually.

Lila and I went to the grocery store in the afternoon.  Picked up some potatoes and bread and other miscellaneous items.  I was going to make stew on Sunday, but realized we didn't have any potatoes.  Then Lila took a pretty long nap and I got dinner ready and cleaned a little bit.

And then Jake came home!  It was so nice having him home after work instead of him going to class. :)  I'm going to like this a lot.  We had dinner together, but the stew wasn't as good as it usually is.  Probably because I burned the meat a little.  And Jake doesn't think I added enough sugar.  We played with Lila and she was ready for bed by 8, I think.

I worked on Primary stuff for a long time.  Got organized for the upcoming year and Sunday.  Made assignments for Sunday and organized my binder, etc.  Felt good.  Jake filled out paperwork for his job.

We were up late.

Mike wrote Cassandra an email.  Nice, thoughtful.  A little long, but it was cute.  Hopefully she writes back soon.  I told him it'll either bit a hit or a flop.

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