Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Feeding Herself!

Lila took an hour and a half nap before dinner.  Preparing dinner was tough because Lila was very clingy and would cry whenever I set her down.  I tried wearing her in the Ergo for a while, but then I couldn't see what I was doing (I need to figure out how to do the side-carry with it) and made a mess.  I made a cheesy spaghetti kielbasa casserole.  It was really yummy!

Dinner was great because Lila was eating food with us!  She was sucking on Jake's fork, so I got her her own and put a little pasta, cheese, and sauce on the edge, and she happily fed herself with her fork.  Took 5-6 bites or maybe more.  It was awesome!  Whenever we'd take the fork away to put more food on it, she got mad, so we started using two forks.  We'd take one away and immediately give her the other.  Awesome!  It's about time!  She's 10 months old.  Hopefully it wasn't a fluke and she'll be better at eating now.

After dinner we went to the nursing home to visit John.  And all the old ladies loved Lila of course and it was nice visiting with them.  So sad, all these lonely old people.  Lila was crawling all over and waving and pulling herself up on walkers.

When we got home, we did showers and bedtime.  Lila was asleep around 9.  Jake and I stayed up late watching Inception. I hadn't seen it yet.  It was so good!  My mind is blown.

1 comment:

  1. I did the two-fork method, too. Less screaming that way. That's great that you go to the nursing home with Lila...I bet they love it.
