Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Little Known Facts, Play Date

Last Thursday I had lunch with Rebecca Makas at Panera.  She's doing well.  On winter break.  She has one semester to go before she's done with her Masters!  It has gone by so quickly.  She's considering applying to another MA program here at Western.  I would love it if she moved back.  She's funny and I like her a lot.  It's been around a year since her boyfriend/fiance Rodger passed away.  So sad.

Yesterday, Lila and I laid low again.  It's no fun going anywhere when it's so cold out.  Jake has been taking the car to work the past few days, to save gas and to make use of the remote starter.  Lila took three 30-40 minute naps yesterday, so didn't get to bed till 10:30 again.  Annoying, but whatever.

Jake emailed me a request for random, little-known facts about him for a profile for Maestro's website.  They want it to be "light and fun."  Here's some things we (Emily and I) came up with:

dance: high school and michigan tech.
theater: che in evita
drums. rock-n-roll band. 
fluent in mandarin chinese.
was an extra in schindler's list
nick carter lookalike
was into black girls for a while
cameron diaz
wet the bed in college
watched my whole church group get eaten by a bear
great godfather impression
farts in his sleep
takes immodium daily
anal fissure

Some are true, some are false.  I knew Jake wouldn't think the false ones were funny, but Emily and I sure did.

Jake didn't get home till around 6 or later.  Had a meeting at 5.  We had taco salad, and this time I had the idea to add black beans and corn, and that was yummy.

Mike came over and had FHE with us.  He still hasn't heard from Cassandra.  Our lesson was going over and revising the Stake Presidency's outline for the second half of ward/branch conferences.  They're using Lund's CDs as a guide and talking about marriage and communication.  We also tried to come up with more facts about Jake.  One we came up with was that he was a fudge-packer. :)  We had cookies, straight from the oven, again.  We've been buying Betty Crocker bag mixes and they're pretty good and easy too.

Today, I got Lila to sleep in till around 11.  She was up from like 8:30-9:30 but then slept till 11.  That girl and her weird sleeping.  She went down for a nap at 1:30 and did sleep for an hour then.  Kari (Hayden, Chloe), Amber (Hayden), and Ann (Lucas) came over at 2:30 and the kids ran wild.  I'm definitely not used to that much noise in my house :) but I'll have to get used to it.  Lila loved having the kids here.  The older ones were all standing by her bouncer, just playing with the toys and lights on it, and Lila crawled over, pulled herself up to standing on one of the posts and just stood there like, "Hey guys, what's up?"  It was way cute.  I don't think she'll be a shy little girl.  Seems to really like other babies and kids.  Ann is really nice.  She's originally from Kzoo, but worked in Mexico for a few years teaching English, and met her husband there.  Ann actually isn't a member yet, but goes with her husband regularly and I think might be starting to get really interested in the church.  We all agreed to have more play dates this winter.  Winter is really starting to take a toll on me!

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