Thursday, January 13, 2011

Cupcakes and Late-night Movies

Tuesday night, Jake didn't have his stake meeting, which was really nice.  So we had dinner and then all headed over to the stake center anyway, because I had a primary presidency meeting.  It was less than an hour long... I was a little late, and then Rachel had to leave early to take her boys to a hip hop dance class. (She's so funny/interesting.)  Jake watched Lila and the other kids, which was nice of him and he loves doing that.  "Little kids lover."  He really wants a boy next. :)

When we got home, we watched Eclipse, which was so cheesy.  But funny.

Yesterday was alright.  I was a little tired/grouchy all day.  Lila's been going to bed pretty late and hasn't been napping well.  Emily came over.  We looked at houses online while Lila napped (found a few great ones) and then went grocery shopping.  We made B.E.L.T's for dinner.

After Emily left, I went back to Walmart to get a muffin tin and some other things.  Jake stayed home to give Lila a bath.  We suspected that she might have an ear infection because she had goop coming out from her ear and was cranky... so I decided to take her in this morning.  She slept from 7:30-9 and then was up until 10:30.  Jake was pretty tired so he went to bed early, but we did get to hang out and play as a family for a little, which was nice.

I made 48 cupcakes while they slept and watched An Education on Netflix.  I was up till 1am.  I didn't sleep well... was coughing and then Lila was up a lot.  Oh well.

This morning I took Lila to the doctor.  She didn't have an ear infection, but now I know.  Oh well.  Got home, Lila took a nice nap, and then we went to the chapel to help with a funeral.  I brought my cupcakes and helped set up tables.  Got to visit with the other ladies there... Alicia, Holly, and Rachel.  And their kids.  Alicia is due with her second in June, he'll be 18 months younger than Brig.  It was cute seeing Lila crawl and play around with the other kids, she likes that a lot.

Came home, now Lila's sleeping again (going on an hour! yay!) and I'm making beef stroganoff.  I was supposed to hang out with Desiree, but forgot about that because of the funeral.  So we'll hang out next week.  Tonight, Jake's old co-worker from Stryker (Frank) is coming over with his pregnant wife (Kate) for dessert and maybe games.  It's been a social week so far!

1 comment:

  1. Well, well, well. Now I am all caught up. And you'll know I'm a major dork, but I don't like to miss anything, so last night I spent the evening (another one sans Tyler) reading since...July, which is the last time I had read about it. :) I laughed out loud, cried, and got lost in the world of Jake, Rudi, and Lila. And M & K, too, of course. I wish I would have been reading all along to comment on your posts about co-sleeping and reassure you about that, and sympathize with you about sick Mommy days, and tell you that I think the same thing about those I am a Mormon ads...that I'm not insteresting enough to do one. :) ("I'm a SAHM, I like to cook, play with my kids, and scrapbook. I am a Mormon." Duh, that's breaking no stereotypes. :)) There were a hundred other things I would have commented, and if I think of them in the future, I'll tell you.

    Even though I knew the outcome of M & K's "drama", I still felt like I was reading some sensational novel, gasping when she found more lovers, etc. Oh, my. Thank goodness that's over with, and hopefully being in the same town isn't too hard for them to keep distant. With how desperate (?!) Mike seems to want to be with someone, it might be hard for him. His intense attraction to C sure seems weird to me, as an outside observer...if she's 26 and single, I'm sure she knows who she is and has dated plenty. I hope Mike can be patient, because I'd say most girls aren't ready to move as fast as it seems he'd like them to.

    I'm so happy about Jake's job change and what it means for you. More time with him, looking for a house, happiness in his work.

    And did you know you guys eat out a LOT? :)

    I wish I would have read this so I could see your anniversary diamond ring when I saw you at Christmas.

    And I like that I have at least seen Lila's face now, so I can picture when you're talking about what she's doing.

    Wish we lived closer, but for now, we'll have to be friends through out blogs.

    Love ya, Rudi. Talk to you guys soon.
