Monday, January 24, 2011

Saturday and Sunday

Saturday was pretty laid back.  We slept in and did chores at home.  Finally at around 2 we went grocery shopping.  It's always funny going with Jake because he buys things I never would... like 5 boxes of cereal or 4 jars of peanut butter or 20 jars of fruit.  

Jake suggested we call Paul and Kayla and invite them over.  So, they came over for a while.  They just got married on December 18th and live in the same complex as we do.  They're still at the KUB.  They couldn't believe how big Lila has gotten and Lila was pretty funny while they were here... dancing to music, being talkative.  I had made some yummy muffins before they came (lemon raspberry) and they brought over donuts (bright pink ones from Meijer) so we ate those and played a round of Monopoly Deal. After the game, they left.  Lila was ready for bed.  So we took showers (I have to shower with Lila now because she cries hysterically in the bathtub by herself... this started as soon as she was able to pull herself up at the edge).

After Lila was in bed, we had planned on watching Inception, but we both had things to do for church.  I helped Jake make a handout for the stake presidency to give out during ward/branch conferences this year. Late last year, Jake shared Dr. Lund's CD's with them (I swear we've shared those with probably fifty people since we've listened to them, and most of those people have passed them along to others too) and the stake presidency used some things from there for their lesson.  (Content communication, using the language of respect and request.)  I got things ready for Primary.  Jake finished writing his little clerk training that he was planning to share with Brian Gilbert the next day at the KUB.

We were up too late.  12:30 or something.  I also had to write Lila's 10 month letter.

It was hard getting out of bed the next morning.  Jake dragged me out of bed, almost literally.  Lila slept while we had breakfast and laid down on the couch for a while, lol.  It was very cold out on the way to church, -10 degrees.  We were on time though.  Sat in the back.  Jake stepped out after the sacrament to make copies of the handouts for the KUB's branch conference and some of my things for Primary.  He left after he dropped them off to me.  He was at the KUB from 10-11.  Brian had told him they could do the clerk training then, but he forgot that he had branch council from 9:30-10:30 so Jake didn't even get a chance to do it... which annoyed Jake. :)  

Primary was a little insane at first.  It was just me and Rachel.  So I had to conduct and juggle my big baby.  I had her on the ground playing with toys, and as soon as I started repeating the Articles of Faith with the junior primary, she started screaming and crying (must have fallen or something) so had to pick her up and finish the A of F with her in my arms.  Rachel was unavailable because she was holding Penelope (our Sunbeam who has autism) in her lap.  While Rachel did sharing time, which was an adorable lesson using cookies and scriptures (she's so good with kids, no wonder she home schools!), Sister Hunt (stake primary president) took Lila and I held Penelope.  Jake came back during that time and took Lila.  

Senior Primary went much smoother.  Jake sat in for a little while with Lila, but she eventually fell asleep so he went to priesthood.  I had enough time to breathe and enjoy the children.  For maybe the first time since I've been called into Primary, I had one of those moments where I just loved my calling.  I was able  to just focus on the kids, watching them light up and have fun, and I just loved my calling and I felt a lot of love for the children.  

When we got home, Jake did his home teaching thing.  Lila fell asleep just before he got home, so he and I took a nap with her when he did get home.  It wasn't a very long one, but it was nice.  Jake was really tired after Lila got up, so he laid in bed for a while longer.

Emily and Mike came over for dinner.  (No, we're not setting them up... Emily and my mom both asked me.)  It was really yummy: taco soup with bow-tie pasta, cornbread, applesauce, lemonade.  I ate a ton.  Mom called and told us we should turn on the Packer game (it was the NFC championship and they were winning) and I asked Jake what he thought, and he said he thought we shouldn't, of course.  Emily overheard and asked, "Oooh, is Jake being authoritative?"  And I said, no, he wasn't.  Jake loved that I stood up for him.  

We had a nice time visiting.  Emily and Mike filled us in on the weekend's festivities.  They both went to the dance and Steak and Shake, and then on Saturday morning Mike played Ultimate Frisbee, and on Saturday night he and Emily went contra-dancing with Sammi and Savannah.  So they had lots of "gossip."  I think it's good for Mike to be hanging out with other singles now.  He kind of lit up talking about everything... it's just good for him to not be so isolated.  I think it'll help him heal.  Although he's still afraid of people finding out that he's divorced, afraid of how he'll be perceived and how they'll react.  Brother Cammack (our former bishop, he's now in the KUB presidency) said hi to Mike and asked what he was doing there--he remembered him and that he was married!  So Mike explained what happened.

Mom and Dad are elated because the Packers won and are going to the Superbowl!  It's a big deal in the UP, and Wisconsin of course.  

We looked at houses for a while.  Lila slept from 7:30-8:10 and then was up until Jake and I went to bed.  It was adorable.  After we were all ready for bed and in bed, we made silly faces at her for like 15 minutes and we all just laughed and laughed together.  I love my family.  And then it took Lila a little while to get calmed down and ready for bed, but she finally fell asleep next to me as Jake rubbed my back.  Sigh.  I am so blessed.  I felt it strongly last night.  To have my sweet, sweet chubby baby next to me.  And then when she fell asleep I had my back to Jake and started to relax and fall asleep and he asked me to lay by him, something he doesn't usually do, so it was nice.  Felt so grateful for my warm husband on a cold, cold night.

When Emily and Mike were still over, Emily and I were cleaning up, and Jake and Mike were playing with Lila in the living room.  I looked over and saw Jake spreading the quilt my mom made me for my high school graduation on the floor, because Lila likes to look at it, and he was pointing out the different things on it.  I told Emily, "Jake's such a good dad."  He is.  

Lila's napping right now and when she gets up we'll make dinner.  Today has been another cold winter day.  Don't feel like going out, but I'm bored.  So we spent the morning playing and reading.  Made arrangements to see some houses this week.  Cleaned the living room and kitchen, did laundry.  Lila's such a cute girl.  I've caught her smiling coyly at herself in the mirror and laughing at herself too.  She follows me around like a little shadow.


  1. I think what you said to Mike was just right. He's lucky to have you, Rudi.

    When you grocery shop, do you just buy what you need for meals, and Jake likes to stock up? I like to stock up on things that I hate when we're out of, like diced tomatoes.

    I like that Lila's looking at herself in the mirror and smiling, and following you around. What a fun age!

  2. I usually buy 1 or 2 extra cans/boxes of things when I'm shopping (things that I hate running out of). But we usually only stock up on things if Jake's with me, because he can carry it in for me. :)
