Sunday, January 9, 2011

Catching Up

Lila and I laid low this week. Didn't get out and socialize at all, except with Emily, who came over on Wednesday. We went grocery shopping with her and to Culver's. Yum. I love having her help. She locked herself out of her apartment yesterday evening so I picked her up and she hung out with us. She watched the baby so that Jake and I could take a shower.

Jake and I spoke today in church. My topic was about lessons from Christ's life in the four gospels. Jake's was lessons we learn from the apostles in Acts-Revelation. Both talks went really well. Last night I dreamt that we were an hour late for church and I was so ashamed/embarrassed that I hid in the bathroom for the final two hours of church. But luckily we made it there on time and all went smoothly. I talked about how Christ teaches using parables to make gospel principles seem less abstract and more real to us. Discussed the parable of the two debtors--the one Jake and I read a few months ago in FHE when we talked about forgiving Kalina. I also talked about the prodigal son and read from Elder Holland's April '02 talk "The Other Prodigal." It went really well. Sister Lillrose (Cassandra's mom) stopped me in the hallway today to say she really enjoyed it, took notes, thinks that we'll be such an asset to the ward and that the KUB must miss us.

Primary was pretty crazy again today, due to lack of organization on the Primary presidency's part and also because the kids were hyper, but we got through it and it got better as the day went on. Jake took Lila to the nursing home and she fell asleep on the way back to church. She stayed asleep while Jake took her out of the car (something she rarely does) and slept through most of EQ. She didn't get to bed till late last night (11) and so we had to wake her up early for church... so hopefully she'll go down earlier tonight. Her and Jake are sleeping right now... I just took a nap too. It's so nice getting home early from church now!

Mike stopped by with one of his YM and his (girl)friend last night to show them Jake's drum set. His YM happens to be the grandson of Bruce C. Hafen, whose talks we've been reading a lot this week, coincidentally.

Mike's doing ok. He stopped by on Thursday night with some mushrooms he'd marinated and wanted us (me) to try. (Jake isn't a big mushroom fan.) He said that his co-worker marinated them for 3 hours, but he marinated them overnight. And WOW were they flavorful! :) Much too flavorful. I think he made them because mushrooms was a topic of discussion on the dinner "date" with Cassandra (she said the only mushrooms she'd ever liked were the ones I made when she came over for a steak dinner with Kiwi and Sunny). He told us he had a very good talk with Dan and was bold about a lot of things... Dan is still dating (sleeping with) his 16-year-old girlfriend and wants to get his own apartment so she can live with him. But he's also talked about breaking up with her recently too. And he got his tongue pierced this week!! What a punk. Mike said, "I can't believe that you're still with her after you saw what I went through with Kalina, and the damage that pre-marital sex can have to a person." After the talk, Dan went outside to have one of his electronic cigarettes and then came up and said, "Thanks for the talk, Mike. It might seem like I'm not listening, but I am." Which is good, I guess. Jake and Mike also made a spreadsheet of all the date-able girls in the stake (single, between the ages of 20-27, etc). Jake can do that because he's the stake clerk. ;) Cassandra wrote back while he was here. It was a decent response; a lot shorter than the email Mike wrote, but that's understandable. He's still bummed that she's moving so slowly, but we told him that he has nothing better to do :) so he should continue to develop a friendship with her. Man, if I were 26-years-old and single, I would be putting forth a much greater effort to get married than Cassandra is ;)

Friday night, Jake worked till after 6 and didn't get home till 6:40. While he was on his way home, Lila took the biggest poop of her life and maybe the biggest poop in the history of the world. She hadn't pooped for the past 3 days, so I should've expected it, but WOW. It was insane. It was everywhere... her arms and legs, her back, her front, it was insane. The first time I've had to put her in the tub because it was so messy. lol. The whole thing was so funny. And ironic that Jake got there just as I was getting her dressed. Our deal for Friday night was no computers--so that we could have pure family time. Whenever we have our computers on, we end up getting distracted from spending quality time together. It worked out well! Jake took me (and Lila) out on a date. We went to Olde Peninusla Brew Pub downtown and the food was pretty good! It was fun being downtown, versus a chain restaurant. We sat next to another baby (who was a year old and smaller than Lila). The parents were sharing their dessert with her... I can't wait till we can share our dessert with Lila and she'll actually eat it! Good conversation... we caught up on the week, Jake's first week of work. Here are the compliments he's received from Josh and Jen (the owners of Maestro, and Jen is the President of Maestro):

From Josh -
From all reports I hear, you're a steely-eyed missile man. Well liked. Charming. On the ball. Fast learner. Helpful. Up for the challenge. Forecast looks sunny, no clouds.

From Jen:
Wow! What a great first week. From naming everyone and their role at our “water cooler” meeting on Monday through the end of the day today, where I found you at 6pm sending personal notes to potential 3D animators….and everything in between, you’ve made a smart first impression. And, what’s really exciting, I know it’s only going to get better. Thanks, too, for your willingness to assist in the Stryker ST09 project. I very much appreciate you joining me to exceed the clients expectations. My stress level has already decreased knowing your high level of detail will be what makes the difference. Welcome to the team, Jake. We are so glad you’re here.

When we got home from our date, we watched Toy Story 3.  Great movie!

Saturday we cleaned up the place, Jake hung some pictures on the wall that have been waiting to be hung since we moved here in July.......  We went to lunch at Culver's and then went grocery shopping.  Lunch was fun. Lila was in a good mood, smiling and flirting with people.  Jake described his boss, Jen's, hair this week... apparently it was pretty messy, which is funny.  Funny that 1) Jake noticed and 2) it was bad enough for Jake to notice.  Saturday evening, Jake made cookies and we watched an SVU.

I really like this Jake guy.  He's good people.

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