Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Monday, Monday, Monday.

Monday (yesterday) was ok.  We had a good morning, standard.  Lila gets up at 9.  We play and have breakfast in the living room until 11.  Lila gets cranky so we go to my room.  She crawls around and plays happily... pulling clothes out of my dresser, playing with the doors on the TV stand, looking at herself in the mirror.  We read books.  At noon, she took an hour nap.  Emily came over around 2.  We had some lunch.  We went to Meijer to get some groceries.  Alicia Thompson had called to ask me to bring dinner to the McCarty's.  (I was supposed to on Sunday, but they cancelled... because he passed away on Sunday.)  I brought them taco soup and corn muffins and chocolate chip cookies.

Jake emailed in the afternoon to say that he would try to leave by 5 so he could come deliver the meal with me... but he didn't get home till almost 8.  Grr.  I was crabby about that.  Not so much that he was late, but that he didn't really keep me posted, and got my hopes up about him getting out by 5.  Oh well.  Emily stayed with Lila while I delivered the meal, which was nice.  Sandy Maikoski, Sister McCarty's sister, answered and took the food.  Lately, since reading The Red Tent, I've been thinking about/noticing how women still band together and take care of each other today.  How my sister is so important in my life.  How my daughter and I will share a special bond.  How sisters at church help raise each others' families and teach others' children the gospel.  I'm feeling so grateful to be a woman and to have so many good women in my life.

A funny quote from yesterday: Emily heard her phone vibrating so got it from her coat pocket.  She didn't realize it was on vibrate so she hadn't checked it in a while.  As she was checking her messages, she said, "Aww, my poor phone was on vibrate."  And we laughed for a long time because she called it her poor phone.  She said it was an accident, probably because she'd been around Lila all day.

Jake and I laughed about something else last night... and maybe I wrote about this when it happened... one time we were visiting with the Johnsons (Rand and Lynn) when Rand was still branch president.  They were analyzing my parents, as they sometimes liked to do, and asked if my dad's "Philippine-ness" was the reason for something... and I giggled because it sounded like he said "Philip Penis" and then Sister Johnson laughed at me and said, "Penis Penis Penis."

So, Jake finally got home at 8.  He played with Lila for a while.  I took a hot shower.  Got Lila ready for bed and she was asleep at 9:30.  Jake and I were up till 11:30 or midnight, talking and reading.


  1. lol, Philippine-ness.

    And women are important. I'm thankful to be part of RS and to see the good women can (and do) do for each other.

  2. And in response to your comments on my blog...

    P90x is great for me because it's always different, but you have a schedule, so if I skip a day, I'm "behind" so I don't skip. The workouts are definitely hard, but more in a muscle-building way than I'm going to pass-out way. Balance and yoga is a big part of it, which I didn't know I liked so much, and I can see it is helping my balance, which has had issues. I like some workouts better than others, but don't hate any of them. They are an hour each, including warm-up and cool-down, so they're long, but it's the same as a gym class, except for the half-hour it takes to get there and back and put the girls in kids club. And I can do it at home in my underwear...lol...less laundry.

    I'm not interested in body building or anything, but love the way this makes me feel, stronger. And when I do run at the gym, once or twice a week, I'm shocked at how much better my endurance is, since most of the workouts are not cardio and I'm not doing any other cardio. And I enjoy going to the gym more since I'm not worried so much about getting a workout in before Jane is ready to be done with kids club. One day last week I just brought Katie to dance, Jane to kids club, and I took my Kindle to the pool area to read. :) Now that's good use of our $50 per month gym fee.

    Anyhow, I like the guy who does the workouts, he's 45 and really fit, and the other people on the videos are real...very, very fit, but varying ages and abilities, so I try to keep up at least with the newbie girl or the older woman. :)

    You don't have to have a lot of equipment, just weights or bands and a pull-up bar.

    One of my favorite things about the workouts is that there's an overall countdown until the end of the workout and a countdown to the end of whatever exercise you're currently doing. I have a mental block on those workouts that say, "Ok, 8 more...ok, now just 8 more!"

    Hmm, what else? I don't really think I've lost weight since I started (I'm on week 5, Day 5 today.), but I like how my jeans fit, and...jeans don't lie. I took a before pic, so I'm interested to see what the end result will be. But mostly I like it because it makes me feel good!
